Friday, August 25, 2023

Half the laneway bricks completed

I did complete half of the laneway bricks yesterday and with luck and good weather will complete the other side plus the porch and patio today. Then we can add in the sand and get that project completed. Fall is moving in now as the nights are cooler and the male cicadas are singing their usual August song. August itself is nearing the end of the month and the activity of return to school has already begun. The quietness of Fall approaches and my research time will expand somewhat although clearing up the yard for winter will still be a priority item. 

My 78th birthday rapidly approaches and as always I thank God for my years upon this earth. It is nearly 50 years ago now that I was so very ill and all the days since have felt like a gift of time. Although I would have been happier in seclusion all those years the various activities for which I did volunteer come back to me as great memories. I will always remember helping the children learning to use computers and especially I will remember the young boys with their absolute wonder and thrill of activity when they worked away on computers generally in groups of three enjoying the moment; the thrill of being in this new world we found ourselves back in the mid 80s. My youngest was an expert on computers at the age of 2 and a half being able to insert the 5" floppy that contained her games and start up the game all by herself. What a change for children computers were and are. My oldest child was into computers by seven years of age and bulletin boards were part of her young life. Myself I was first into computers in the mid 1960s learning Fortran and later Cobol before my children were born. Computers can give us so very much ability at our fingertips. Edward was also very involved in computers during the mid 1960s and that continued throughout his working career and very much dominated his retirement as he worked away on his genealogical endeavours which were enormous.

A busy day today and I must get started. First tea and then solitaire games and then on to breakfast.

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