Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Psalm 133 - Bible Reading for today

The words from Psalm 133 are truly a wondrous treat to read first thing this morning.  "It is truly wonderful when the people of God live together in peace." 

Would that it was true. That the people of Ukraine could wake up this morning to peace; Russia back in its own borders as determined at the end of the Soviet Union. What a wondrous happening that would be. No more murdering of the Ukrainian people - the baby the other day; surely no one has the right to murder babies lying in their mother's arms. Surely we have come much farther along than that in our evolution to be better people. 

The document from the National Archives of the UK arrived yesterday in my inbox. What a treat. A first read and it would appear that Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) married an Ursula as well and that this document concerns Robert the elder (generally the reference given to Robert 5 living at Timberscombe/East Linch. I have only transcribed the first ten lines thus far (it is a very large vellum perhaps 60 lines in total). I have noted the name Wilmot referring to Robert and Ursula's daughter mentioned in her grandmother Christian Siderfin's will and John is mentioned there as well as their son. At this time these children would be in their early 20s likely. Can I completely exclude Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1)? I will transcribe the entire document before I finally decide but the early appearance (the use of Robert Siderfin the elder) does rather point to this being Robert 5. Plus Robert 4 (if he was alive) would be 66 years of age and Robert 5 is likely in his early 40s. I am wondering how the name Francke came to be involved with the Siderfin family and perhaps this document will show the connection. I can not find a marriage between Robert Siderfin and Ursula (unknown). 

Cleaning completed yesterday and today we will work on the window washing. A not insignificant task for sure but it will be nice to remove the summer's dust. 

A walk on the beach yesterday late afternoon was most welcome although the weather was looking somewhat stormy it did not start to rain until we arrived home once again. My new sandals got their first workout and I do like them. I really liked my leather sandals but they do not do as well in the sand and they were eleven years old now so getting pretty battered. These sandals are synthetic and have a really good sole and made for beach walking for sure. 

Tea is cooling and I shall read my mail and work on my solitaire for a bit and then breakfast.

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