Sunday, August 27, 2023

Slowly but surely through the Siderfin Answer to the Franke complainants

Good news as I worked my  way through the Siderfin Answer to the Franke complainants. A time period has now been mentioned and the death of Willmot Siderfin (I still think it is prior to the marriage but we will see as there are more details in this latest but I need to understand the language before committing to a definitive answer on the marriage). A time period of thirteen or fourteen years has been mentioned which would place the wedding to be in 1640-41. Willmot daughter of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) would have been 25 to 26 years of age whereas Willmot daughter of Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) would have been in her mid teens possibly if she was a first born child and younger if not. I may yet have to back down on this being Robert 5 but I need to understand about betrothal at this time period and marriage. The marriage had not taken place as far as I can tell and Willmott daughter of Robert 5 was still alive in 1644 as she is mentioned in her grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin's will. I do not know any details for Willmott daughter of Robert 4 other than her baptism in 1614 at Minehead. 

If this does prove to be that Robert 4 did not die in 1636 but rather Robert 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) died then it continues to fit in with my premise that Robert 5 did not have any children and died at 20 years of age. 

But I do wonder why Robert 4 is involved with East Linch in 1653. He only ever appeared to have property in Minehead. We also learn in this document that Robert Franke also died at this time but after Willmott. Looking at the tax records for 1641:

Somerset Subsidy 1642
Tax    Hundred    Parish    Forename    Surname    Other    Amount
1642    Carhampton    Luxborow Everhard    Crispian     Syderfin        6 s 8 d
1642    Carhampton    Luxborow Everhard    William    Syderfin        4 s 8 d
1642    Carhampton    Timberscombe    Rob    Syderfyn    sen    4 s
1642    Carhampton    Timberscombe    Rob    Syderfyn    jun    3 s
1642    Carhampton    Browne in Treborough    Wm     Syderfyn        8 x 1 d
1642    Carhampton    Wootton Courtney    Robert    Syderfyn        13 s 6 d
1642    Carhampton    Cutcombe    Thomas    Syderfyn        11 s
1642    Carhampton    Carhampton    Thos    Syderfyn    gent    5 s 6 d
1642    Carhampton    Mynehead    Thomas    Syderfyn        4 s 6 d
1642    Carhampton    Mynehead    Robert    Syderfyn        4 s 7 d

We do see Robert Syderfin at Wootton Courtney and Minehead as well as Robert senior and Robert junior at Timberscombe. East Lynch is just 1.9 miles from Wootton Courtenay and considered part of Selworthy. 

I am now up to line 43 in the transcription and there are about 40 lines remaining. I think though I have allowed my mind to concentrate on Robert 5 (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) being present at East Linch and not seeing that the Frank family also appears to be present at East Linch. That is perhaps new news that did not occur to me at the initial reading of the first 43 lines. It is a first read through though and I am missing some words as I always go through in a somewhat quicker fashion the first time through any document. Perhaps what I am slowly seeing is that this property belonged to the Frank family and the family of William 4 is not involved in this transaction at all. This then clarifies the Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) family with the eldest son Robert 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) dying in 1636. John does not likely marry Thomasine until after 1653 (their child Robert was baptized in 1658) as she is  not mentioned in this answer to the complaint. Definitely Robert did not marry Thomasine which is what James Sanders implies on his Pedigree chart. 

This beautiful Sunday morning I am reading that the Russian War Bloggers are complaining about the way that the war in Ukraine is being managed; what kind of people are Russians really that they could support a war against innocent people that they have been trying to murder for nearly a hundred years in one way or another. Perhaps if Russians are isolated for long enough they will see that such ignorant behaviour is not responsible behaviour for Homo sapiens and they can once again rejoin the world as sensible people respecting the rights of nations to exist after all Russia caused the downfall of the Soviet Union by attacking Afghanistan and going bankrupt in the process. Freedom for those people who were enslaved at the end of the Second World War was a wondrous happening after so many years of the Cold War at the end of the Soviet Union. Wake up Russia; get rid of your barbarian behaviour and join the modern world.  So Russian war bloggers I suggest you find a way to get your country to get out of Ukraine instead of supporting this war that Russia has created. Save the lives of these young Russian men; bring them home with your writing instead of encouraging them to fight an illegal war. Glory to Ukraine.

Church today and the time of remembrance is passing quickly. COVID-19 was a watershed in time affecting people who survived it in so many different way. For me it was an interlude where I got to live the life that I love one of  research and close family life. Sadly we lost Edward and we are slowly but surely moving to a life without him but keeping him in our hearts. The girls will always miss their father as they were so close as will his grandsons but life is slowly inching forward into this new world Post-COVID.  Shattered by war but hopefully that will also soon pass and Russia corralled in their borders until they are ready to join the world once again as partners bringing our world to a better place where Climate Change has been averted and the uplifted plain of peace is all around us. We must always be ready to fight as we do not know what lies out in the universe but sharing peace on earth is what God wants for us. 

Perhaps a little more transcription today as I see what the other half of the document reveals about the Siderfin family in 1653. But also we are going to put the shed back together as we move towards winter life. The gardening is coming to an end other than picking the tomatoes etc. The sunflowers are about to come to flower and that will be interesting watching the squirrels harvest them once again. They do love the sunflowers. The birds are flocking and heading south as the nights are now cool - just 12 degrees celsius last night. 

Breakfast awaits and on to the day with Church at 10:30 on my own but soon back on YouTube perhaps or I will continue singing and saying the service by myself. I am content at nearly 78 for that life style. 


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