Monday, August 7, 2023

Taking it back to the aggressor

Sad really that the only way you can stop a war is to take it back to the aggressor. Russia really should have more sense and get their armies out of Ukraine. But Nazis never have any sense just greed. 

Yesterday great strides working on the last five boxes and all of the research is now divided into compatible groups so that the material can be best utilized. Perhaps it was the big package of Kipp research that Edward bought about ten years ago for $100 (US) and really it had very little Kipp information in it but someone for profit had broken up the research portfolio of an individual carelessly actually as the material which he obtained (aside from being riddled with cigarette smoke) was in poor order and contained original material (since published on his blog by us) but in such bad shape that nothing could actually be done with it. I have since learned that other originals of these items exist which was good news. Seeing that last summer I did decide that it is better to put together the sections that individuals might want and then the originals from the rest could be submitted to pertinent archives where they can be seen by the many where I could not find a natural successor. I did not even get the sense that the individual selling the material actually needed the money to pay for their daily needs but was simply taking advantage of an individual who perhaps died alone and left his material to an unknown individual who perhaps had no stake in the material from a personal point of view but was simply making money out of it as possible. Sad to see actually. Greed does always raise its head with some people.

We still do have another six boxes of material that is personal to our family and will gradually check to see that all of it is scanned for preservation purposes but most of it is abstract notes that have already been entered into his online tree. I must update the trees in the various DNA kits that were Edwards so that that work is also useful to researchers. The Big Y-700 proved to be a very interesting result for the Kipp study and I will continue publishing on that side in the Kip-Kipp Newsletter; it is my expertise. I tend to be more on the side of how the matches are reflected in the tree rather than word of mouth. Word of mouth can definitely get strained over the generations. 

There is still a lot of material in those other boxes including Edward's notes from late High School and University and during his PhD years and his MLS year. We will scan large amounts of that material for the future generations to know him better than just a few lines in a chart. Perhaps one day a descendant of his will do his/her PhD in Chemistry and continue in the vein of his research ideas - one never knows. It is at such moments that I think about winning the lottery and setting up a scholarship in his name. Perhaps one of his own will win such an item one day; what a memory that would be for such a child. But I can occasionally be a dreamer. 

On to the day, it is cleaning day once again and the so-called big cleaning day as it is both floors and then the basement tomorrow. Fortunately a small house so doable still for this nearly 78 year old. Reading about all of my generation aging in place and it is quite interesting. Never having been a "group" person and preferring my own time to work on projects I do find having this time to be valuable for my own research into my one-name studies. Genealogy could never capture me really until DNA entered into the game. I need proof I guess which was  not the case earlier in my life although I still did not do genealogy perhaps because my mother was doing it! If someone said they were my cousin I believed them; why would anyone lie! But life does have its influences and I no longer go anywhere or do anything where someone might attempt to make such a comment. I have far too much to do and people to correspond to in my current life. Mind you I do owe letters to a lot of people; I am not the greatest correspondent except to my children to whom I do speak to daily. 

Breakfast awaits. 

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