Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Ten degrees celsius and the first of August

Definitely we can see Fall is in the wings waiting for its entrance. Today was a cool morning although not unusual for the Eastern Ontario area in early August. The sun is bright though and the temperature slowly climbing. It is now thirteen degrees at 8:00 a.m. 

Yesterday, cleaning all accomplished on the upper and main floor (lucky this house is small) and then the basement is next. I actually find cleaning enjoyable as it permits me to put back into place everything that gets shifted about during the week. Then as the week passes the shifting happens once again but Monday brings about the conversion back to normalcy and makes it easier for me to manage. The basement today and it is now accomplished mostly in the morning or at least by 13:00 hours. I have a pattern there now that I follow closely every week making it possible to do the work in just three work periods leaving me with the basement back in its normal arrangement and clean. The alternative I find chaotic and takes more time to correct; so cleaning week after week works for me very well.  With my cataract surgery coming up one of these days, I will do extra special cleaning so that I can take off the necessary time to let that healing occur. 

No work on Siderfin yesterday, I did take a break from all of that but the work on Sunday was very progressive. We now have piles for the OGS library which are organized for pickup in the next couple of weeks, we have an organized pile for Link which is also in the process of organization for delivery, yet another organized box for Schultz which is planned in terms of delivery and there will be about four boxes when that is ready to go. Schultz represents about 15% of the collection in total (Edward's great grandparents on his paternal side (his father's mother's family)) were his only emigrant ancestors in the mid 1800s and they came to Canada from Eastern Germany. The Allen collection (Edward's mother's mother's family) now has a possible placement. That one was very much up in the air and it too represented about 15%. The Kipp has always been the largest portion of his study. Another bag started for Salvation Army of saleable items for them (just a donation for us) as well rounded out our Sunday work effort. That continues again next Sunday and every Sunday to follow in the afternoon.  It is a memory time as my daughter and I talk about our memories of her father. They were very close those two (she was an only child until she was eight years of age) but that is also true of our younger daughter - they too were very close and had a lot of shared interests. 

On to the day; starving for breakfast as usual on a Tuesday after a heavy work day.

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