Saturday, August 5, 2023

Tenth Siderfin Generation formatted

I completed the tenth Generation of the Siderfin family yesterday and will carry on into the eleventh today. Still awaiting the document from the National Archives of the UK. Not due until the middle of the month though and I am getting other items done. The formatting has needed doing for  a bit and once accomplished I will be able to send out sections to cousins to have a look if they so choose. 

I also want to get back to inserting material that I have and material from the original book by James Sanders although I also have obtained copies of those items as well from the records sometimes with more details with the burgeoning online presence of archives and their indexes. 

A pleasant walk on the beach last evening; the wind was fresh and much enjoyed. Fall is coming though; it is definitely starting to make its oncoming presence felt with the shorter day. My fingers itch to get on with my research but must get some yard work done as well. The fence will come down on the garden today. The bunnies are welcome to the produce that is left now. We have enjoyed the lettuces, onions, beans and herbs. The sunflowers are getting taller and taller and will soon come to flower heads. All signs of the coming fall. Then winter; glorious winter with all that snow and long days of research. Skiing too just to give breaks to the day. 

The Pencombe book is slowly forming in my mind and I will try to find out more about the Pencombe family of Herefordshire and whether proof can be found that it was this family that came with Lord de la Zouch to North Molton in the latter part of the 1480s. It is an exciting prospect but the story of the Pencombe family of North Molton itself is equally exciting as they moved out from North Molton into the surrounding towns and villages in North Devon. My mother knew some of the stories of her Pincombe ancestors and did share them when I was young and later when I moved away and she continued to look at her Pincombe family even visiting the Family Search Library to learn more about what she remembered. 

The Andover Blake family book is also sitting on the back burner of my brain as I contemplate transcribing the Latin Manor documents that I have. I can see the name Blake there (John Blake) and must learn more about that as well. The Blake family was also in Berkshire in those early days and the wills point to a friendship perhaps or even kinship between these families although I am fairly certain that the connection with the Calne Blake family is on the female side of that family with a female Blake of that line marrying a male Blake of the Andover line. Were they related beyond that I do not actually think so. The yDNA that claims to trace back to the Calne Blake line is more likely of a Norman origin and that does show in the yDNA tested. The Andover line (my brother's results) show a more ancient line in the British Isles with the hypothesis that at some point in the early 1300s the earliest Blake noted in that area had perhaps taken on the surname of his wife's family. Not sure of that and time will tell. 

Other than that it is early but I am awake and hungry for my breakfast. Next item of the day is jumping jacks and then breakfast.

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