Saturday, September 2, 2023

Beautiful weather again and proofreading and the latest edition of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is on the website

The weather was beautiful once again yesterday so wandered about the garden a little and had a lovely swing on the garden swing in the fresh air. A very pleasant day here.  Forgot to publish the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter which I realized today and it is now up on the website - Volume 8 Issue 4 2023.

But of course my fingers itched to get at the proofreading of the Siderfin document from 1653 and I managed 1/3 of the document. Very few changes surprisingly given it has been a while since I have transcribed a document from the  mid 1600s. No blanks yet but maybe later the paper was a bit rumpled towards the end of the document. I continue on this second reading with the premise that this is Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and his wife Ursula with son John. I have not yet reached any mention of Wilmot or the time frame which will probably be tomorrow as I hope to accomplish about the same then. The document reads pretty uniformly as the Franck family is trying to find the will and documents which prove the family pedigree. This family as shown by the Protestation Returns and Lay Subsidy is primarily in Porlock with smaller properties. The property at Eastlinch is substantial about ten times the worth of any of the properties at Porlock so the desire to prove their right to the land and premises is probably pretty strong. I have the sense that Robert Franck the last male in the direct male line at Eastlinch was a youngish man perhaps early to late thirties so he has died fairly young and did not leave any paperwork or Issue but the land and premises are entailed so revert back along the male line until one finds a living male coming down in those male lines. The family at Porlock is largish given the number of members on the Protestation Returns. Not sure why the Horne family enters into the discussion, since I opted not to purchase the Complaint, since the land is entailed and they are descendants of Bridgett (Franck) Horne. But I am not researching the Franck family so can not get very interested in that actually. 

Cleaned out the closet on the main floor and redid it to neaten it up even more. It was always stacked high with stuff (my Edward was a hoarder likely as well as loving to buy all sorts of extras). It is a slow process to downsize meaningfully. He did use to take items to the Salvation Army and they primarily benefit from a lot of the items. That has proven to be providential knowing that he would like to have that done. I am slowly eliminating extras that I have but actually do not have a lot of extra. I am not a shopper and I tended to try to stick to everything scanned and online for my one-name studies. It is possible with families like mine that are principally from the five different areas of England proper although I do have Scot ancestry and apparently Irish but still looking for that link. But I still do have some paperwork generally items that I acquired (copies) from the Society of Genealogists where there are both Blake and Pincombe files which I copied. Plus I have purchased a number of items although these days pretty much everything I buy is an image that I receive via email. Great advances in the last eighteen years in how documents are sold. 

This weekend plans to finish the proofreading of the transcription and then get back to the Siderfin book where I am at the Fourth Generation once again so that I can add in this document and a precis of the will that I purchased from the Somerset Record Office. There really wasn't very much in it but it did rather support the idea that Robert at East Linch and William at Minehead were sons of Robert 6 (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and so I will add those details. That will let me finish off the Fourth Generation once again and since my two premises are proven for me I do not have changes to the Fifth Generation but do have some text to put in from James Sanders book and lots of footnoting to carry on with. That will be my work in September; getting all the footnoting done and then October proofreading and editing just to make sure everything flows. Insert some images and I may need to ask permission for some but will check on that. There would only be a couple at the most and I can simply do as James Sanders did and leave out the original images if I am concerned. I have footnotes where they are found anyway. That will flow into November and publication month hopefully. 

Then December if I am not having my cataract surgery I will move on to the Pencombe book and I have a lot of transcription to do there and again for the first run through I will take it easy so as not to strain my eyes. Going through the second time has been fine especially as I only do a few lines at a time and the text, for the most part, has remained unchanged. The spelling in 1653 was inconsistent and somewhat archaic compared to the modern spelling but I did catch most of that the first time through. 

Today cleaning the basement as this past week was rather busy and that didn't happen so will do a catch up and then back to normal once again. Tea almost finished and off to breakfast.

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