Monday, September 18, 2023

Brownies and Guides

These youth groups really serve a useful purpose when families are small I think (myself I really did not enjoy either although preferred brownies to guides). Having led Brownies for two sets of three years when my daughters were in Brownies the most positive thing that I think moving the group forward was the children wearing slacks and a t-shirt instead of the dresses. The dresses were impractical and it was cold sitting on the gymm floors where we held Brownies. Badges were my concentration as I think children love to earn things and the badges did not require that much work for these young children and they were so proud of their badge scarves again a new addition between children as earlier the badges were sewn on the sleeves of the long sleeved dress (same as in my day as a Brownie). All in all I think with small families these groups do bring children together in a home-like atmosphere where friendships are made and children have a good time (but I do think it is better if parents of the children in the group are leaders). The children learn some discipline which is always good for children especially now with Russia invading Ukraine. One never knows the future and the more rigorous disciplined training that children have the better off we are as a people. 

I haven't thought about Brownies or Guides for many many years; once I left as a leader I was gone; not my thing for sure. As one of seven children the idea of spending my free time (even as an adult) with children (except of course my own) was not my thing although I did volunteer at school and particularly helping with computers since I was early into that field (1965). I preferred my books and now in my old age I am writing books on the ancestors of my families. I have so much material that needs to be published already (a thousand wills broken down into Counties in England) but yet I pursue these three books - Siderfin first and it is a revision and update of an earlier book, Pincombe and no one has put together the older family, and Blake which has a lot written about it but a lot of it is incorrect with quite incorrect relationships particularly to the Blake family of Calne, Wiltshire.

 Just started watching a new series on Netflix "The Chosen" and still working my way through the first of the series. I always think I know the New Testament very well but always there are surprises for me although will reread the gospels as we go through the series. It is a thought provoking series thus far; the Roman Centurions are particularly interestingly played and one does not necessarily get the sense that it is realistic and yet these were young boys away from Rome and likely missing home and family. They come across as trying to keep the peace between the hierarchy of the Jewish Faith and the people who are looking for their Messiah as they find the leadership of their upper echelon of power to be rather overbearing and they are remembering Isaiah's promise of the Messiah. Will continue to watch. Interesting how life is portrayed; very basic and yet I think people lived in clean houses and airier than is illustrated but perhaps I am mistaken.  Will give the series a chance for sure. The message of the Messiah to come is always welcomed and various interpretations help to cement in our minds why Jesus came to live amongst us. 

Now I really must get to cleaning, the rugs have all been cleaned by the robot now so is my turn to get in there and wash the remaining floor and dust. The day continues. Still Duolingo to do for my Latin studies as well.

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