Monday, September 18, 2023

Generation seven continuing

One item I realized I overlooked in my thinking about John 7 Siderfin (John 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as being an older son for John 6 Siderfin and his wife Mary (Chapman) Siderfin was the baptisms of the two daughters names the father as John junior. Working that into Generation seven and nearly complete so will finish Generation seven today hopefully although it is cleaning day. Just a short amount left now, the children of Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth (Question) Siderfin. Then a short write up on the Darch children mostly from James Sanders original book. Moving on to Generation eight is a luxury given that it is only the 18th of September although I do need to allot time for the Blake Newsletter. But it does look like with a bit of luck I will make it through Generation Eight and perhaps even Nine and Ten. That means Eleven and Twelve left for early October and then back to the beginning and a good proofreading, adding the figures not yet in and captioning them and making decisions on what to put in with regard to the autosomal DNA testing. I do not have a Y result for the Siderfin family. Never really thought about it after my cousin took over the study back in 2010. DNA was still very new then. 

Not too many pictures for this book although have now put in the picture of my 2x great grandmother Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe whose mother was Elizabeth (Siderfin) Rew. Close as I can get to the family in my line. I wonder if there are pictures of the Siderfin family. It would be an interesting hunt for sure to find that out but I will leave it to someone much closer to the British Isles then I am!

Church on You-Tube was lovely yesterday. The organ music was  greatly missed by me all summer. "Let us go to the House of the Lord" ran through my brain this morning as I awoke to Ian White's Psalms. A perfect Monday morning for sure. My mind rolled back to our early days where we still live. One of the first things that we did was to take a walk around the large block which in those days did not have sidewalks all the way nor was the road through across the creek. We used to do that walk every day after we moved here (26th of April 1978) long before we knew anyone other than a young couple (the two men worked at NRC together) with a young child about our daughter's age who had invited us to a party at their house (same style as the one we bought later but a couple of blocks away) a couple of months earlier when we first saw where we now live. It was just one length of new carriage homes on the north side of the road that were newly up for sale although a couple of them were already sold. Less than a month later we had bought one ourselves. It would be another four years before our youngest was born as I looked for jobs that I could do at home and found one marking papers for a professor as I was getting organized to go back to school and do my masters once my daughter was settled in school. However, that didn't happen as my youngest made her appearance and I couldn't do everything; just didn't have the physical stamina. So back to the earlier routine of walking around the block in one of the breaks that I took from proofreading/copyediting. It was like a rite of passage for my youngest to be able to do the entire walk without the carriage (2 km) around the huge block. It was one of our exercise periods whilst I was marking papers first, realized that I would not at that time go back and do my masters and then later proofreading and copyediting. It was a busy life as I used to proofread and copyedit eight or more hours per day breaking that up so that a small child still had fun times through the day and before the children woke up and after the children were in bed I could do another couple of hours each time to make up for the breaks in the day. Then there was brownies where I was Brown Owl for my older daughter, I volunteered amazingly and it was a fascinating time working with all those children whilst my own was there (I am not really a volunteering type of person) and then the volunteer secretary at Edward's Church which fortunately ended when it did as life was just too busy.  Edward was busy with his activities plus French class two nights a week. But I digress, the service yesterday had lovely music which I must say I really enjoyed; I could listen to the organ play all day long for sure. 

Today the basement to clean and work on the seventh generation. First jumping jacks and my tea then on to breakfast. I realize it is a while since I have actually been anywhere; grocery shopping one of these days but I still have two days of chicken stew and a couple of other days worth of meals. I make a menu for the month and then a shopping list and mostly I never run out as I have powdered milk, cans of fish and other items to keep me going until I want to go shopping. Shopping comes low on my list of things to do for sure.

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