Saturday, September 30, 2023

Getting into today's work

As I move into today's work I need to record a few thoughts as I go along. I am nearly finished the ninth generation and working through the data which has been shared with me by another family member. I am realizing this is going to slow me down as I need to decide what to include and I use all the databases so can look for one to another to see what they have recorded. Already found one interesting one the surname Siderfin spelling as Sinnifin by the enumerator in one database and Simper by another (by my eye it is Sinnifin). However this individual is still living at the same address where his name was spelled correctly (1841 and 1851 Census) so an obvious enumerator error. Plus he is 83 years of age now with his grandson, with whom he is living, working so has probably given this information himself perhaps and 83 is a good age back in 1861 so perhaps not as readily understood by the enumerator. But I feel I should have a look so will slow me down. I have no idea what lies ahead as I have only just glanced at the material thus far. Since it has been so well done I prefer to utilize as much as is practical. Knowing my 2x great grandmother (daughter of this man's sister) I am sure her schoolteacher tendencies would have been to make it complete as possible. 

So that having been hashed about in my brain I am moving forward and should soon have the ninth generation completed as he is the last individual in this grouping. I will likely add to this as I move along. 

When I finished my running I generally have my lunch and today I was in time for the ceremony on the Hill for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Very well attended it looks like. There is another sadness and this one is the result of enforcement of Residential Schools in  Canada by the Government of the day; the children who died at the Residential Schools or from running away from the abuse there; and the children who were abused at the Residential Schools. It is our sorrow for sure although in truth I do not have many Canadian ancestors - just my mother, her father and his mother but yet even they were here when the Residential Schools were created. I remember when the students from the Delaware Nation used to come to my High School way back in the late 50s and early 60s. I was much older before I heard about Residential Schools. The Delaware Nation belong to the Lenape people. I went to Tecumseh Public School which was  named after the Shawnee leader and he was killed in battle at Moraviantown near Delaware during the War of 1812 defending Canada from an American invasion. So today I will especially think about those children who suffered and their suffering as adults. 

I am so withdrawn into my writing that I do not know the days as they pass other than the date and that they are. But I need to work on the book and so I must go back to it.

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