Sunday, September 3, 2023

Let us go to the House of the Lord

 Playing Ian White's Psalms - Let us go to the House of the Lord. Love that CD and what a wonderful way to start a Sunday or any day. I suspect I will wear this CD out now as I have had it for a long time but tend to play it every day. Sunday again and it is 17 degrees celsius and the sun will soon be visible but right now the world is quiet around me waiting for the day to break upon it. 

Completed another 26 lines of the 1653 Siderfin document and corrected a few items in this section; there are blurry spots and I had a few blanks to figure out. I can now see the story of a widowed woman Wilmot (Siderfin) Franke losing her home because it is entailed and there may actually have been children - that is still not really clear. But definitely Robert Franke died and part of this document is the claim that there had been documents giving a gifte of time to Wilmot if she was widowed. But also in the background of the document is the need for the Franke family to find the documents that proved their Pedigree. All that is of interest to me is proving the Robert Siderfin line to be the one that I think it is and that is done without really being so exacting on the transcription of the document but that is my way to try to get the best transcription possible for the next generation that may not learn cursive writing making all of these writings illegible to them in the future. Today I shall try to complete the document. Then one more time through it next week after cleaning on Monday; possibly Tuesday and Wednesday will see it completely finished and me back to the Fourth Generation, footnoting and cleaning up the text; I can be somewhat wordy on occasion and not all of those words need to be written down. 

At 78 years there are a lot of things that I do not have to do. My nervous disorder which was the root cause of my breakdown so many years ago was never fully diagnosed but there isn't any reason as far as I can see to do that now. It was a very rapid period of change in my life (I was used to being strong and healthy). I was not strong enough to stay with the career line that I was headed on at that time. My baby needed me and the motherhood in me answered that call willingly and happily. My husband completed his second career training - namely his Masters in Library Science to go with his PhD in Chemistry which would get him a job at the National Research Council in Ottawa where he would work for about thirty years. It wasn't easy to leave Chemistry behind but he did and we moved on. I was still recovering from my poor health when we moved and did spend the next few years looking after my little one, my husband and myself so that I would be stronger and not an invalid 30 year old. It took a lot of time and rest but I did manage. So now looking at that I really can not see a reason to diagnose that nervous disorder. I just live with it; know my limitations and try to control the life that I am in so as not to have any difficulties that result in my needing medical care. 

I picked just under a quart of raspberries yesterday and they are all frozen now. I like a few but I am not really a great fruit eater; I prefer vegetables. Raspberries were definitely one of Edward's favourites. Today would be our 57th Wedding Anniversary and I shall give a donation in memory of him to the Ottawa Branch Library of the Ontario Ancestors (was the Ontario Genealogical Society). He did so love helping people with their genealogy. His own quest for the parents of his Isaac Kipp was never fulfilled even after pursuing that data for all of the years of our marriage. However, the miracle of DNA technology and he knows that he can go back to Hendrick Hendricksen Kip of the New Amsterdam colony in what is now New York City. That was exciting for him and he treasured that knowledge the last decade and a half of his life. It was the next best thing to knowing the parents of Isaac as he knew his likely 3x great grandfather and his best matches are in the line of Hendrick's son Jacob's line but that stays pretty open because the yDNA of this line is pretty close for all of the sons of Hendrick. The Kipp-Kip Newsletter will concentrate on the yDNA results now. Although I may look at autosomal DNA for the matches as well but there isn't any Pedigree Collapse in his lines that would help with that cause. 

So forward into the day, jumping jacks and tea and then a working time and on to breakfast when I want to do that.

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