Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Seventh Generation completed

 One more item proving the line of John Siderfin Junior married to Mary Chapman was their Marriage Contract witnessed by John Siderfin Junior of Wootton Courtney, Robert Siderfin of Timberscombe and George Chapman of Wootton Courtney. With that there is sufficient proof that he was the son of John 6 Siderfin (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1). One more small hiccup was the children of Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth (Question) Siderfin. James Sanders had a Joan Siderfin as one of their daughters but she is not mentioned in either will abstract. Not sure whom she actually is but she married John Passmore at Minehead which was a little unusual for this family which generally married in Selworthy or Wootton Courtney. That being resolved the addition of the new John Siderfin Junior married to Joan (unknown) and being a likely older son of John Siderfin Junior married to Mary Chapman worked out very well without a lot of reworking. The two children that they baptized at Wootton Courtney were neatly moved to this John and a slight renumbering but no difficulty. What seemed like a major task quickly disappeared with the removal of Joan from James Sanders' Pedigree Chart as a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Question) Siderfin. Moving forward onto the Eighth Generation but will not do much today as yesterday was a heavy day on the fiche reader. These eyes are not getting any younger. 

No news yet on my eye tests perhaps another month or so although my daughter did mention that there is a long waiting list for the cataract replacement which was why I decided to follow through from the Optometrist recommendation and go ahead getting that started last January. It was a funny sort of thing as he said that he would recommend me next January but then said he had  not recommended me two years earlier because Edward was going to go for cataract surgery although my eyes also needed that. I usually go every year but it just didn't happen and ended up being two years. Like my colonoscopy last year I had let the office know I would go ahead in November last year and got the call with a date in late April so six months sounds like the waiting period for that particular procedure. Since I have had eye strain before when I spend too much time on the fiche reader I am not alarmed just need to rest my eyes today and it is the big cleaning day so that works very well. My sister said that the eyes get stronger before they start weakening. I can tell that my sight is not quite as good as it was and given my not really great sight without glasses I do pay attention. I used to be able to distinguish song birds readily that were half way down the back garden which is about 30 metres but now it is likely only 15 to 20 metres with my glasses on of course. Without glasses I would not be able to distinguish that. However, unlike when I was a child and could not read anything without glasses I can read large letters but it was probably more that I was only three or four years old and did not have a history of knowledge of letters to fall back on!

On to the day, jumping jacks, tea and then solitaire games if my eyes want to do that. Then jumping jacks once again and breakfast and cleaning. Sounds like a busy day. Still receiving about 100 emails a day some of which get put into a must do folder. I do answer all of them eventually; sometimes interesting tidbits come my way but mostly it is requests for information with probably 70% of them being either spam or close to it or groups that I belong to or political from the Conservatives or the Liberals. Interesting to read but I have my opinion of the kind of leaders that we need and fiscal conservatism comes high on that list. 

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