Saturday, September 16, 2023

Sixth Generation completed and into the Seventh Generation

The news of the world captures me each day as I contemplate what is happening. Traveling to Europe and the British Isles made me ever more aware of the world as one unit in which we all have a duty to provide the best care possible of all flora and fauna - that was our task to care for the world. Libya and Morocco are suffering from flooding and earthquake and their needs are great. The number of dead and missing is huge. Prayers that more people will be found alive but time is passing. 

Then there is the sadness of all the death on the battlefields in Ukraine. And for the Ukrainians it isn't just the actual battlefield - it is their homes, their shops, their stores; the Russians cruelly attack where people live. Would that the Russians would just pack up and go back to Russia and leave the Ukrainians alone; I pray for that. Glory to Ukraine. 

But my days are spent working on the Siderfin book revision and update and it is going well as I reach closer and closer to more complete parish registers and then the census. September is going very well for me as I work the newest documents into the scheme. I am pleased with the result. I created my line going back all the way to John Siderfin in the early 1500s - he was my 13x great grandfather. As I mention in the text, James Sanders did not commit to the parentage of Robert Siderfin married to Elizabeth Question and I have with the two new documents which I transcribed. The 1653 Answer document in particular assists in that regard. Giving a continuance to the descendants of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) in the Knowle area near Tivington Somerset (part of the greater Selworthy area). 

Another 8 degree celsius morning and yesterday I turned the outside water off as that is getting closer and closer to freezing and do not want the taps to freeze up. Seems a bit early but perhaps not I have only done this for a couple of years so not a lot of experience to build on. One comment though on the weather to come was an early and cold winter. That would be nice actually and let me get all the winter preparations done early and leave me lots of time to work on the Siderfin book. 

As always God watches and waits for us to do the right thing. His words of wisdom have guided us through the ages and perhaps now in this new century we can achieve that peace for mankind. We can forge outward and onward into the stars and see what is out there and everyone looking back can be confident in an earth where peace reigns and our love of God can be felt all around the world as we follow His commandments - love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbour as ourself. Then we can truly be the best that we are able. 

The day has begun, a little early but I am definitely an early riser and love that moment when the sun breaks through on the horizon to another beautiful day on God's earth.

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