Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Eighth Generation continuing

Nice to be into the Eighth Generation of the Siderfin Family. Working my way through slowly as I insert comments as this is the Generation most affected by the addition of John 8 ( John 7, John 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and includes the two children baptized by John and Joan Siderfin marked by the priest as John junior. Perhaps by the weekend I will have completed the Eighth Generation and working on the ninth where I have the help of another researcher on her Thomas line. I need to add in/revise my material based on her accumulated data. Thomas simply disappeared from the Somerset area but over time many did actually. My own line with Elizabeth (Siderfin) Rew's children went to the Bishops Nympton area in Devon. But not all of them, a number stayed on in Somerset and getting all of that right is important. 

Off grocery shopping yesterday and it was about as usual; what I bought will last me a couple of weeks plus a few days likely and the overall cost remains around $75.00 per week for one person and I am a simple eater so groceries have gone up but then so has everything else. Salmon for dinner cooked with fresh dill from the garden which was very pleasant along with frozen peas. I quite enjoyed my dinner which is saying something for a person who is not a foodie! My husband used to ask me if I enjoyed my dinner, actually we asked each other, and I would generally respond absolutely especially as he had generally cooked it! I am just not a foodie but Edward would point out what he didn't like and since he prepared it generally in the years when I worked and he was retired I just listened! He loved to play with food actually coming up with all sorts of recipes - the Chemist in him being utilized in his 6th and 7th generations for sure. 

Today, I must turn off the other tap, it went down to 6 degrees celsius last night. I meant to do it yesterday but didn't get to it. The sun though bakes that area for about half of the day so not too worried I already turned off the tap that doesn't get much sun. Washed up the last of the hoses yesterday and will tip that to make sure it is absolutely empty before storing it with the others. That is the usual process; wash the hoses and then shut off the taps but I did quite forget yesterday. Getting old I guess. 

The day is planned pretty much with the Eighth Generation to work on. I volunteered to work on the Obituaries page for my High School but I am not sure I will get a lot done as I will just be searching online. I can barely remember the names of all my classmates and do not know what any of them did in their lives (well summaries were prepared about ten years ago now which I can read but moving away one loses touch). My grade 13 class was small, 13A, most of us were in all the Maths and Sciences plus English and French to get us into University. The Algebra class was particularly small I remember - maybe ten students. I loved Maths and the Sciences but then I did go into Science at University. I was a Nerd for sure probably still am; love to have my head deep into a project of some kind although a lot of time was spent raising the girls eight years apart. I did miscarry one child when the oldest was two so they wouldn't have been if the little one had made it past four months gestation. My little one is with God though and I am content; life just wasn't meant to be and so glory with God instead. 

Lawn to cut and may think about that today. I am considering leaving the cutting down of the garden until spring as my daughter suggested. That does rather feed into my lack of gardening interest as well but all that mush in the spring is somewhat repulsive. We will see; I might still just leave the stubble like the farmers and cut off the leaves which can be particularly mushy in the spring.!

Up early today and first set of jumping jacks completed. Time for a second set and then breakfast. Hungry today but then I generally am in the morning as I eat a light dinner usually.

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