Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The heat wave and fog

 The heat wave continues and fog this morning; not yet showing up on the weather but it has just rolled in. The air purifier was reading only 4 but jumped suddenly to 20 so closed the windows upstairs and will let the air conditioning do its chore. Cleaning all accomplished yesterday for another week. This week I have Tuesday off as I cleaned the basement on Saturday. I may water the sunflowers but they actually do not look wilted as the humidity is high perhaps. Will see how the day progresses. The sunflowers are huge now and covering the back window. 

No proofreading yesterday; the cleaning took me all day. I decided to clean the wooden floors with liquid and the mop after vacuuming so made a day of it; all that cleaning. Started another bag for Salvation Army with some of my clothes I have not worn for a bit. These past few years I tended to wear my favourites and the others just did not get work. Edward used to buy me things spontaneously on our walks which was sweet but I do tend towards my favourites which he also knew; maybe he was trying to convert me from being a non-spender to a spender. It didn't happen actually; I am not a shopper and very content to not be out shopping every day. He was definitely good for the economy and I do buy things but it is a list and done very quickly as stores are not my favourite places. 

Next up, jumping jacks and tea and then back to a bit of writing. 

Today continuing with the first proofreading and then on to the second proofreading. Once I am satisfied back to the fourth generation which was affected by this document and then the fifth generation by the other document that I transcribed earlier I can move forward. I will insert the entire transcription of the 1653 document but only a precis of the will as I need to seek permission to produce that transcription and want to keep that list that I will need to do small probably starting this month in order to publish the book. The one picture in it and I think I will have the picture at the front of the book is my 2x great grandmother Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe daughter of Elizabeth (Siderfin) Rew. It is the closest that I come to the Siderfin line in picture. I did not visit this area of Somerset when we traveled about with my cousin Ivan Kent in the spring of 2008. He did ask if I had other spots I wanted to visit but we had done a lot and I appreciated all of his time and I knew he wanted to show me where he taught school during his career as a teacher of boys with learning disabilities. I only spent time with this cousin once in my life and I am glad that I learned a little about him as well as the travels that we made together. We were accompanied by his wife and my husband on our voyages. Ivan died just before we arrived in 2010 for another trip this one was to spend five days in London and then 20 days in Europe on yet another bus tour. Bus tours are a great way to see the British Isles and Europe and we did eight of them in total. I highly recommend them for their thoroughness. We always added to those trips once we had our location for each night and went to see items that were close by at the end of our traveling day so added quite a bit to what we actually did see. It is a challenge to get fourty people into and out of items thus restricting how much you are going to see. I always took our GPS with us on these tours and it let Edward assign definite names to the pictures which he took which he really enjoyed. Once he got used to the idea of flying over great expanses of water he was as excited as I was to fly there. It is so quick to fly although we were planning a return trip from Southampton on a boat that didn't materialize. Would I ever do that? My interest in doing so was small for sure. But then I have the memories from my father of his trip at the age of nine years with his mother (his father had gone six months earlier to set up house) on a boat from Southampton but for Edward there were no family memories passed down of trips from the continent (most of his ancestors were from the Netherlands, France and different Germanic states and much earlier). All of that knowledge of his ancestors was lost to time but he did uncover pretty much every one of his ancestor's trips to the Western Hemisphere in the 1600s and 1700s. Even the trips of his great grandparents Schultz had been forgotten in their actuality and they came in 1849 and 1866 and that of his 2x great grandmother Mary Ann Abbs who came as a fourteen year old with her family in 1832 from East Anglia (sadly she died in 1852 leaving behind ten children; his 2x great grandfather William Henry Link was only two years old and another story was lost but found once again by Edward). His American lines were very extensive with the last arrivals to Canada being in the latter part of the 1820s and that too was lost but family reunions reclaimed those stories along with tidbits about itchy feet drawing them towards Canada. I think Edward found that very interesting and we attended the Reunions of a number of his family lines still being held in the United States.They were excited to welcome their Canadian cousins and enjoyed the pictures that he brought with him of his ancestors. 

So today on to the Siderfin book once again. I have several weeks before I need to write the next Blake Newsletter so will try to get through the entire book footnoting it although that might be a challenge although hard to say; I know where the footnotes are I just have to record them and being a fast typist that isn't a challenge for me plus I have the databases at my fingertips. 

Talking with my daughter we had the idea of publishing his grave yard pictures on his blog so will look into that. I could do it by families and there are a lot of them that could be shared. It is a good thought and I will try to implement that with my blogging times. We have fifty binders of developed pictures of our life up to 2000 when Edward switched to electronic. I produced powerpoint presentations of our various trips but still need to do some editing on some of them which I will also try to get done this next winter. Our children liked to see those trips when we returned. Their lives are busy and it let them into part of our lives when we were away from them. 

On to the day; breakfast is next.

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