Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The latest tactic by the Psychopathic Nazi Putin against the Ukrainian people

The Psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers can not win their own battles so have claimed to have stolen the children of Ukraine and turned them into soldiers to stop the Ukrainians from fighting. Their psychotic behaviour has no limits apparently. They tried to murder the Ukrainians by starving them to death in the 1930s. We are all Homo sapiens; some of us are taller, some of us are smarter but none of us is superior. There is no perfect race and in particular Russians appear to be dreadfully flawed; they are unable to advance in their minds past their barbarian past.  Stealing children is a loathsome crime and Putin has admitted to it apparently. Any country that harbours him is insulting the world; he is disgusting. 

Where are the Russians who demanded that their life be better when they deposed the Tsar. Is there life better? They have allowed Robber Barons to take over their industries and reduce their ability to have a decent life. They have permitted psychopaths like Putin to take over their civil liberties and their aspirations for a fairer life (we call it self-determination or democracy). Now they send them into battle against a free country. Time for a new Russian Revolution and throw out these leeches that suck the life blood out of a great people destroying the achievements that Russia  has made and replacing them with a gluttonous psychopathic Nazi leadership. Anyone who surrenders their freedom to a demagogue like the psychopathic Nazi Putin loses their freedom; loses everything that they had because these people attack other countries and spill the blood of the serfs because that is what the psychopathic Nazi Putin is doing to the Russian people - he is turning them back into serfs. Arise O Russia and throw off this decadent leadership that lives in the lap of luxury; destroying the environment and killing your children in foreign battles that they started. 

A little work on the Eighth Generation yesterday but mostly resting my eyes as I cleaned my house. Amazing how the tasks that need to be done help us to protect our health - exercise is what the body of a homo sapiens craves a hangover from their hunter-gatherer past for sure where they trod the ground looking for food to feed themselves; clothe themselves and achieve what they could in the time that was available to them when they were not simply surviving. Today the Eighth Generation continues and we are now down to the William-Line and the Robert-Line only with the William-Line disappearing on the male Siderfin side in the 10th generation. It would appear that all of the Siderfin surnamed people descend from one couple - Robert Siderfin and his wife Elizabeth Question. Robert was an only child as far as one can tell and when one looks at probability one would have expected the William-Line to survive as the number of males in each generation early on was much greater but time and chance found an only child whose gene pool survived and begat an entire generation of descendants who continue to live on today. Mind you my surname has not been Siderfin since far into the past. I became intrigued by the surname when I finally found the maiden name of Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe's mother way back in 2005. The stories that went along with that find of James Sanders book were intriguing but I gave all of that research away to a cousin with the surname hoping I think that he would carry it forward. 

But time does not always become available to people as I well understand having worked a regular workweek (after the birth of our first child) since my early to mid 30s first at home and then thinking once again that I might go back into research working for a scientist at the Medical School. He offered to let me do my masters and I did think about it but I knew myself that at 51 I was unlikely to offer much new in research so decided to work at the hospital and help other researchers. No regrets on my part; my life has been quite fascinating a bit more than I would have desired given my husband's many activities that he did manage to get me involved in by volunteering me. But none the less I have traveled a great deal more than I ever would have especially into the north eastern United States as he followed that trail of his ancestors. If anyone was ever bitten by a genealogy bug in a big way that was my husband. He loved every tiny little graveyard that we found way out in the bush. We hiked through woods to find some of them but each one was so lovingly preserved. Americans love their forebearers. Some of the stones were just roughly hewn rocks in reality but yet there it was the names of 7th and 8th great grandparents that he had sought and found. Amazing really; I think it was one of my traits that he most liked that willingness to pursue his desires to find what he wanted to find no matter where we had to travel. Except for so many restaurant meals I enjoyed the fresh air; the lovely walks in the woods and all of the birdlife that we saw on our treks. I did finally manage to persuade him to just buy food and prepare it in the hotel. A few meals out now and then was more fun than constantly eating in restaurants! 

The day though progresses and I must have breakfast. First set of jumping jacks completed and tea drank. On to the next set of jumping jacks and then breakfast. My Latin on duolingo. I was quite surprised at how well I could read that Marriage Contract that was in Latin - I am progressing. There are still more than 10 sets of lessons to go and I shall keep it up. Once I have completed what I want to do with my lines then I will return to my son in law's French Canadian ancestry and I shall do French on duolingo to once again make myself partially bilingual since I did use to answer the phone in French at the hospital all those years ago now. Amazing what one can do at the age of 78 years actually. 

The day commences.

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