Sunday, September 17, 2023

The most unforgiveable action

Although all of the acts performed against the Ukrainian people since Russia invaded their sacred land are criminal the one that is actually a crime against the world is the destruction of food. No country has the right to destroy food that would feed the millions. For that they should be condemned in the highest levels; the United Nations should condemn them for that action in particular. Let us now in this time of plenty condemn what could be the tipping point of our very existence in the future - the wanton destruction of food done out of jealousy and greed; the very imperatives of the Nazi Putin and his enablers. Very rapidly Putin is stripping from the history of the Russian people some of their great acts which they performed in the Second World War. Their Nazi invasion of Ukraine is unforgiveable as it continues; forgiveness can only come when the sacred land of Ukraine is free once again.

I was very pleased to see the Secretary General of NATO say what is the obvious - so long as Ukraine fights she is free; if Russia stopped fighting and left the sacred land of Ukraine then this war would be over. Glory to Ukraine and may she survive for ever. 

Yesterday I worked on the seventh generation of the Siderfin family. After a great deal of thought I have added an individual for whom there is no data other than a note in his step-grandmother's will that he had a daughter Joane. He has to be a new person because the parish registers of Wootton Courtney name the two children that were baptized by John and Joan Siderfin as Mary and Joane with Mary being buried before this will was written. I was trying to avoid doing that but of necessity and for a clean look I needed to add an individual whose name would be John because of two baptisms that do not belong to Robert Siderfin and Joanna (Kittener) Siderfin which is where James Sanders has placed the two baptisms. That lets me move forward through the Seventh Generation otherwise I am bogged down and that doesn't work when you are revising/editing/writing any book. John 6 Siderfin married twice with the first marriage in 1683 and the first known baptism from the marriage of John Siderfin and Mary (Chapman) Siderfin was Robert in 1688. Hard to believe there wasn't at least one child born before Robert and so it is a John to fit the available information (and to work timewise as the children were baptized in 1714 and 1716 (a John born between 1683 and 1688 would be 25 to 30 years old in 1713). I have no idea where the abstract for this will came from either although I suspect land records as the bulk of the step-Grandmother's estate went to Edmund Cording (no ideas of the relationship) and he was the executor. The property was primarily in Exton where she lived before marriage. 

Moving forward slowly but surely to the time when the Parish Registers were more complete and then the census with its incredible ability to give me a view into each household.  With the help of one of the descendants of the Robert-Thomas Line I hope to have as complete a listing as possible of the descendants of  the last male Siderfin with male children carrying on the Siderfin name - namely Robert Siderfin (born 1658) married to Elizabeth Question. For the most part the Siderfin family remained in Somerset into census time as far as I can tell and James Sanders had the same experience in his research as he could have had access to the census up to 1901. 

Chicken Stew last night and for the next three days as it makes so much. I do like chicken stew and went out and found a couple of dozen small carrots from the patch that we planted for the rabbits and added them as I had run out of carrots. The garden is definitely coming to an end although the sunflowers are still going strong but soon the seeds will be ready and the squirrels will harvest them. 

Another Sunday and Church on You-Tube. The Bible Readings have been mostly Old Testament that come into my mailbox each day. Perhaps I should start to read all of the daily readings instead of concentrating on the one sent to me by the Canadian Bible Society. Although I like to read the Old Testament it was written so long ago and the history surrounding much of those times is not as well known to me as the New Testament. Jumping Jacks and tea and a little computer time before breakfast.

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