Friday, September 1, 2023

The Siderfin document is complete for the first go through

I did complete the Siderfin document from 1653 but just the first go through. It is 78 lines of transcription. As if the story wasn't complex enough Robert Siderfin mentions his son Robert Siderfin in the document. Was he mentioning him just because he had existed or was he still alive. If alive then who died in 1636? That is a mystery I shall be looking into once I have gone through the document for its second and third read through picking up anything I missed. That would throw a wrench into the mix but that is history; always a little twist somewhere. But the age of Willmott at marriage would likely have been the older girl for sure which was the most helpful statement in this particular document; actually giving a time frame to the marriage of Wilmott Syderfin and Robert Franke as being thirteen or fourteen years before the date of the document which would take us back to 1639 or 1640. At that time the younger Wilmott would have been a young girl perhaps as old as 9 or 10 since her father was born in 1611.  In 1644 her grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin mentions Wilmott in her will so was alive in 1644 but at this point we do not know in what time frame Wilmott married to Robert Franke died. I think it is more the age of the individual. Wilmott (daughter of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1)) was baptized in 1614 so in 1639 would have been 25 years of age a more reasonable age for marriage. 

Today I shall begin the second run through but what I have seen thus far although confusing on occasion does support my premise and I move forward in the chapters. I would like to complete the book in November but there is a lot of editing and proofreading ahead of me. Since that was my career during childhood rearing days I am comfortable in this phase and will try to be as candid and cautious as I was during my days of working. It is not the easiest thing in the world to proofread/edit your own work but can be done. Then on to the Creative Commons License and publishing. Sadly I do not have any pictures of the Siderfin family from the earlier times myself. I did not check to see if any exist. The closest I come is a picture of my 2x great grandmother Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe whose mother was Elizabeth (Betty) Siderfin. She was a formidable woman apparently and home schooled her children being a very exacting and precise person. My grandfather was a young child when she died but did pass on that information to my mother. A sad child I suspect my grandfather, he watched his baby brother die, then his mother die and then his younger sister all in the space of about ten years when he himself was but a child. My mother always said he was not prone to laughing overly but loved to read to my uncle and herself when they were children. 

But I digress from the Siderfin as he was a Pincombe and their story is to come. Why the Siderfin? Curiosity on my part after discovering James Sanders book and then my cousin and I corresponded somewhat before he took over my Siderfin one-name study and he shared some of his thoughts. He first brought it to my attention that James Sanders had linked himself to the wrong great grandfather. All corrected now and one always hopes that every error has been corrected but I am sure in the future as more information becomes read and fitted into the pattern of this family's life there will be changes to my book sometime in the future. 

Perhaps peace is around the corner for us unless Russia can not handle losing. Although fighting a losing battle is not always a good plan. The Ukraine people have a right to their freedom and they are fighting this battle for all of their neighbours and most of them know it. Hungary continues to be the outlier; are they perhaps jealous that when they rebelled they did not get the support they wanted? Hard to say; life has moved on from the 50s; we were exhausted from war then; the so-called west. Too many young men had laid down their lives to stop the Nazis in World War II. But as the Cold War descended on and on into the 60s we did realize that we had to be the bastion of democracy once again but did try it without fighting for quite a while and it was working. Then the psychopathic Nazi Putin came onto the scene and although it was a slow erosion as Russia attacked one neighbour after another they have met a formidable wall in Europe that will not be broken. Europe is tired of war but they know the end comes when Russia gets out of Ukraine and we go back to peace in our times more or less. In fighting in countries still happens but in time one prays that peace will come and we will save this planet for the descendants to come. 

Today another closet to take apart and wash completely and reorder. Winter is definitely coming although we are to have a very warm rerun of summer for a few days. But the fall can be like that and then it will be winter and skiing and research. Sounds wonderful. I wonder how long I have to stay inside before skiing if my eyes are operated on in December; time will tell. But then at my age skiing every day is not quite so likely I did learn that last winter. At nearly 78 I do know that I must work according to my age. 

Breakfast soon and the second set of jumping jacks first. Then weight lifting, running and calisthenics. Soon I will add in biking on the stationery bike but there is still a lot of outside work to do to be ready for winter. 

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