Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Yesterday was a prolific blog day

I was pretty wordy yesterday, three blogs, but today on to research and footnoting the Siderfin Book. Working on the Ninth Generation and perhaps I will complete it today. 

I did think on Sunday that the Speaker of the House, Anthony Rota, should have resigned when the news broke dealing with the introduction that the speaker made in Parliament - an ex-Nazi soldier. There really was no excuse for him not ensuring that he was vetted by the appropriate people before hand. Stepping down immediately would have been the appropriate way; it should not have been necessary for the party leaders, house leaders to have to explain that to him and nudge him towards the appropriate response. But it is done and so we move forward restoring our reputation around the world. I am still suspicious about the trail that created the blunder to be honest. The news has recorded that the son of the individual had asked to have a place for his father in the chamber of Parliament. Why would he think that his father deserved such an honour; he must have known his father's past. Nazism is a Satanic Cult; his father is free of that one would assume but out of respect for the people of Canada who sent their young to fight against Nazism in Europe in the Second World War he should not have asked. I think that has been very clear through our history since the end of the war when the children of Canadian citizens who went to fight with the Nazis (and died) were refused a place on any of the memorials from the Second World War. They were traitors to Canada. There should not be any memorials to the Nazis in Canada - we paid much too dear a price in the loss of our youth and in the injuries endured by our youth for that to happen. Canada gave a home to many of the Nazi combatants in the years that followed because as a human population that was our duty since they were not wanted in their own countries. They could begin again and build a life for their children and give back to the country that they wronged. Personally I believe that the children should have a clean slate; they were not part of all of that.

But the day is young and Ian White's Psalms are playing. Another day in God's World. Would that we were free of the wrongs being committed against Ukraine by the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. Climate Change is the pressing problem for the world and we must work on that as well. 

Four degrees celsius this morning at 6:00 a.m. and now 6 degrees with dawn breaking in the eastern sky. Another clear day; no rain in the forecast although I noticed perhaps rain a little later in the week. Time will tell. The land is very dry. 

Working on the Siderfin book is now fairly straightforward. I have decided to put the census in the footnotes and just keep the text for each individual fairly short. I must think some more about the autosomal DNA and what I could add to the text already written. I do not want it to be longer than three pages. I will collect up the DNA results today into a table for each of the testing sites. Other than that it is full speed ahead with the footnoting. A lot of the footnoting in the early generations comes from the fiche that I purchased from the Somerset Record Office but as I get well into the 1700s Ancestry and Find My Past do have the records online so will refer to them and the day of access. But they are also on the fiche which can be purchased if people become very interested in looking at the original information. 

Wednesday is always a somewhat quiet day for me as two days of cleaning is a lot for this 78 year old. Although I do not find it is too much; I do take it somewhat easy on Wednesdays. I will likely watch Question Period in the House today as well for a bit. The Prime Minister will perhaps be there although I could understand his waiting until tomorrow when the Speaker is officially resigned from the House (he simply should not have returned to the House at all but resigned on Sunday). I am sure that the Prime Minister was rather disappointed in this happening under his watch. But no one person can manage everything; he must rely on those around him to do the appropriate checking. Amazing how much time some opposition leaders put into denouncing every act of the Prime Minister that has nothing to do with Parliament but actually do nothing to check on who is coming to Parliament as guests!

Glory to Ukraine.

Time for jumping jacks and tea.


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