Friday, October 6, 2023

And it continues

 My mind goes back to the 1950s and the threats of the Soviet Union as we were trained what to do in case of nuclear attack. It was a gloomy world. The world has been generous and kind to Russia and their repayment to the world is disgusting. But when you have psychopathic Nazis like Putin and his enablers heading their government one can expect that that will be the way that it is. We must never forget the lessons that we learned in dealing with Hitler. He lied, he pretended, he laughed and he made deals (which he broke) and then he stole from all those countries he overran their most valuable treasures and forced their men into his armies watched over by the SS. But most of all he created a World War that devastated the world as he linked with the other AXIS powers to try to dominate and control the world. To hear people in Europe  support the psychopathic Nazi Putin is unbelievable; remember your history people. This man is as ugly and satanic as ever Hitler was. 

Look at Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine and may she soon rid her country of the war machine sent there by the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. Remember the methodology of Hitler, take a country and force its people to join the war effort against those who hold out against them (not everyone in those armies was there because they wanted to be, we must not permit Russia to break out). Keep Russia corralled and we all need to do that to protect the world. 

And it continues as another 51 innocent civilians in Ukraine die including a child.  That is disgusting; you can not take that back; you can not change that these people have been murdered by the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers war machine. 

Go home Russian Nazis; leave the sovereign nation of Ukraine. 

My neighbour very kindly cleared the leaves from the laneway and patio; much appreciated. 

Today another day on the Siderfin book but the attitude has now become relaxed; I may have been getting stressed over keeping my timeline. It was a  nice timeline but a new one suits me as well. Better with everything there then rushed at the end. 

Today it does look like rain and it is promised. The ground is very dry and could use a lot of rain. The warm spell looks to be coming to an end as reminders of winter to come return. It will be a while though before that winter is with us probably although one never knows when the first snowfall will appear. It is like magic when it comes and covers up the decaying world of Fall with the wonder and beauty of all that white. 

On to the day.

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