Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Day one of cleaning accomplished

I do hope that the people of Gaza continue to flee from Gaza city as Hamas will only use them as human shields (Hamas is trying to stop them as they want to be able to use them as human shields). The Israeli suggestion that they move out of harm's way was just that. They care about the Palestinians - Hamas just uses them as human shields. The Palestinians are going to go back home as soon as they are able. I am sure they do not want to move away from their country especially now that they may well have the Palestinian state once Hamas is gone they were the problem. Really the Arab States should have been helping the Palestinians achieve that all these years since 2005. It is only because Hamas would not follow through on that; Hamas was just always terrorizing the Israeli people. Otherwise the Palestinians would have their own country now. The sooner the Arab states help Israel to get rid of Hamas and keep Hezbollah from shooting them in the back the sooner the Palestinian people can go back home. I do hope that the US-Israeli organized access happens today so that the food trucks can come into the people of Gaza (Hamas controls the access and is preventing passage). At least now they should receive everything that belongs to them. Hamas has been stealing from the Palestinian people all these years the humanitarian aid that has been sent to them. I see Iran is sounding off - too bad that these last nearly 20 years they helped Hamas to ruin the Palestinian's lives. Freedom for Palestine.

Thank you to Turkey for working on facilitating the release of the hostages held by Hamas. The world waits for these barbaric people to release their children back to them (Hamas does fit the definition that we ascribe to barbaric in the English language). They come from all over the world the hostages. Hamas is satanic for taking children hostage (and they are so young). Why aren't more Arab countries working on freeing the hostages. They should already be free. Hamas is a danger to all Arab countries because they represent evil especially in Arab countries. Less so in mine because most of us dislike Hamas for what they have done to the Palestinian people - the ones who support Hamas the door is always open for them to leave and be part of that. Do not take advantage of the freedom in my country, hate language in any form is a crime.

Prayers for the Israeli people and prayers for the Palestinian people. 

Free the Hostages Hamas. Hiding behind children, women and men that you hold as hostages to try and kill Israelis is disgusting.

Prayers for the people of Ukraine as they fight the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers. 

Well I did end up getting a lot of work done but still on the 10th generation. I believe I have another week to do on the 10th generation of the Siderfin family.


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