Sunday, October 1, 2023

Finally the Tenth Generation

 I am into the Tenth Generation now and we will see how fast that flows. The number of people is increasing rapidly in this generation. There will be nearly as many as there have been in the first nine generations in this tenth generation. The two accounts I had for Thomas - my cousin and my own - did not agree on a John Siderfin. I vaguely recall from my early days that I concluded this John at Derby was likely the John who died at Medway, Kent in 1863 because there wasn't another John that I could see for this individual (his death registration might reveal his birth place). But that was my young days in doing this surname work and so I have removed that possibility and it becomes one of a list of items for whom I do not have an owner. He did not emigrate at least not on a ship that lists emigration but he could have moved on working on a ship and one would never know. But that is the advantage of having someone knowledgeable on the Thomas family helping with his line. I appreciate the help and will record that in the book. 

Sunday again and off to Church so my day is different from the rest of the week. It is nice to have Church on You-Tube every week once again. I especially enjoy the organ and Ian White's Psalms are playing once again. A lovely way to start the day for sure. 

Another day in God's world and the week ahead is promised to be a pleasant one as the summer warmth returns once more for a few days before cold settles in. We will have such days through October and even in November sometimes but they are but a small break from the cold that is to come. God be with the world and keep it strong so that your creations can continue on into the future - I am reminded that we are but one species in this world which You have created. 

Dinner last night quite enjoyed - left over lemon orzo salad to start and still very tasty, lemon is a good preservative. Then toast, soft boiled egg, and peas. It was light but filling. Today chicken stew and that will last through the two cleaning days which is always rather handy to have meals all prepared on those days. 

The leaves on the tree at the front are coming down rapidly now. It is a fussy tree that one leaving a lot of debris and it is huge now. I remember the day that the City planted that tree over fourty years ago now. It is nice to have been in one place for so long. As a child my first three years and a bit were in one house and then we moved and I lived in that house until I married at 20 so about seventeen years. Then we moved a little in the first eight years of our  marriage until we bought a house and then we sold that and moved when Edward finished his MLS after his PhD. The MLS was to get a job, the PhD was the interest of his youth. 

Some housekeeping to do and then teatime but first jumping jacks. It is lovely to have an organized day; it makes the day more efficient.

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