Thursday, October 19, 2023

Good progress on the 10th generation

I made good progress on the 10th generation and will hopefully finish this week. The families are in general still close together in West Somerset but my own line is now in Molland, Devon and other members of this family are at Sheepwash near Bishops Nympton. But we find Thomas's descendants (my 3x great grandmother's brother) in Derbyshire now and actually moving out from there just a little. The family has grown quickly through this generation and the last. In the next generation we will see them going to Australia, Canada and the United States. Most will go to the United States. 

My mind is starting to move onward towards the Pincombe book these days. The work on the Siderfin Book is principally footnoting and then the proofreading in November and publishing sometime in December probably after the middle of the month but it would be nice if I can get it to people before Christmas. I have inserted a picture of my 2x great grandmother Elizabeth (Rew) |Pincombe into the front of the book as it is the closest that I get to Elizabeth (Siderfin) Rew her mother. James Sanders did not include any pictures in his book of family members so perhaps there weren't any. 

Fall is advancing quickly and winter to come. Skis all washed up and ready to go when the snow hits the ground. Now that I do not work full time anymore I can schedule my cleanings on a perfect schedule so that everything is always ready when it needs to be. Being retired is certainly an interesting stage of life when one can just hibernate for as long as one wants.  Perhaps that is what old age is really meant for to do the things that you never had time to do when you were younger and just enjoy the pace. Although I do do a lot of exercise so the pace in that way hasn't particularly changed. I still sit at my desk for about seven to eight hours per day so that hasn't particularly changed. But I no longer help at my children's schools or be involved in their activities giving me a lot of time just for me. When I was a child I did a lot of babysitting of my own younger siblings so did not have that much alone time when I was young. Marrying at twenty to Edward once we had a car he had so many things he wanted to see. He grew up in a small village and his father died when he was two and his mother did not drive so his forays into the world were rather limited. But he definitely made up for that from the early first year of our marriage, a car was one of our first purchases. We visited every plaque that you can imagine in southwestern Ontario. We visited all the repositories of information that might help him with his Kipp family. I was just along for the ride being a somewhat wishy-washy person I didn't have anything that I particularly wanted to do so helped him when he asked me. I was enjoying the freedom perhaps from the busyness of a large family. I had no responsibilities other than working and child rearing and it was great actually. I loved working. I never really liked school that much except for being exposed to learning but I did grow up in a house full of books (many of which I read including the encyclopedias). I love to learn. I am not a people person though and being able to learn on one's own has been a wonderful feature of the 21st century. The world is at one's fingertips and even the blind can learn that way. I did learn braille when I was a child after a student ophthalmologist told my grandmother that I would be blind by the time I was twenty. I just vaguely recall that being said but I did take it as a hint to do something about that. I could learn braille again if I ever have to. Enough reminiscing and on to the day. 

Prayers as always for Israel and Ukraine and the Palestinian people who are not part of Hamas. May they be strong fighting the Satanic forces that are against them. Looking at an interesting map of the world showing the educational level and not surprised to see that the Middle East and Russia has a lower number of people that have a well rounded education. When you see thousands of them following one person's lies and hating without ever reading the actual truth you know that their educational level about human rights is low. They only believe the loudest Satanist. China is interesting; with just a piece of white paper the people of China let their government know they were done with COVID restrictions. With their daily lives they let the government know that the one child policy suits them quite well. They may live in a dictatorship but the power of doing nothing can be extremely telling. Democracies do have their problems for sure - too much freedom can be a problem. That is why we have laws against hatred and hate speech. They come first before the right to free speech. But the Chinese people did something that a lot of countries have never done and that is grabbed the future and moved an entire population out of harm's way; their epic journey to the west to set up new factories to produce the goods that they needed and bring their population to safety during the second world war will be forever in the annals of history and is a lesson to all of us. That we do have to grab life with both hands and run with it. As I approach the end of my life and surely I have already lived far more years than I will live in the future, I can appreciate the value of history ever more although I loved learning history and geography as a child. History is always in danger of repeating itself but hopefully these brains that we have will prevent repetitions of dreadful times in our history on this planet. 

I think true ignorance is thinking that any one country dominates this planet; some countries are just more willing to be helpful and overall some countries are less engaged in their own dominance but rather that the world will succeed. That doesn't mean all the people in a country will think on those lines but the overall trend is there. The United States has proven to be such a country. Some countries  constantly pretend to be interested in what is best for the world, these countries are only in it for themselves and would enslave the rest of the world if they had the opportunity. The United States is also able to admit to errors in judgement and move on to do better. President Biden has certainly proven himself to be the FDR of the 21st century and he is 80 years of age. Fantastic really. No hiding behind high walls for this man he flew to a war zone to give verbal and presence assistance to the Jewish people. On to the day. Prayers to God that this day will be a forward reaching one instead of being dragged into the past by the Satanic forces that swirl around us in this world.


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