Friday, October 27, 2023

Good progress yesterday but still working on John's descendants

I did make good progress yesterday but still working on John's descendants although I am getting towards the end.  There are three children left in the John Siderfin/Joan Adams family to complete and then Thomas died at seventeen years of age. Then on to Robert\s descendants and the youngest son Thomas has been sent to me by a descendant of that line so speeds it up a little. Robert had five daughters which include my own line (Elizabeth (Betty) (Siderfin) Rew). Three of the daughters I do not have any information Mary, Grace and Joanna except for their marriages. I shall spend a little time working on them but for Ann the youngest daughter I have lots of information. Then just the three sons - John with just three children, Robert did not marry  and Thomas with eight children (5 sons, three daughters) but as mentioned my correpsondent has sent me her material which is very helpful. 

Yesterday I cleared away the sunflowers as I rather think the squirrels and birds have had their fill now and there is not much left anyway. I think I will follow my daughter's suggestion and leave the plants to rot through the winter and then clear away in the spring. Just take my time with that because the garden thaws out in a rather slow way from the top of the yard down lending the ability to just do a little day by day. She feels that that will help to enrich the soil; sounds good to me and does help to feed into my true lack of interest in gardening. 

It is good to see that more trucks are getting through into Gaza. I hope that continues and increases. Since Hamas is still bombing Israel they obviously have lots of fuel which could be given to the hospitals (Hamas is evil). The International Community worry about their citizens with over 145 of them still held hostage by Hamas with no end in sight. In total 229 hostages with no sign of a release date.  It is the absolute height of cruelty to so many nations around the world. The loss of life in Gaza is appalling as well but then too was the sadistic satanic butchery of the Jewish  people from all over the world on the 7th of October this year.

Another Friday already; this week has flown by. I may be surprised at how quickly the Robert line gets completed. That would bring me to the last Generation that I am recording - the Twelfth. I will be somewhat flexible in recording the 13th generation children but in general I will not record any birth after 1920. The next step is the proofreading and indexing. I will only index names I think. But will think about that for a bit. I still need to clean up the appendices and footnote them where necessary. The book is moving along I am happy to say. I am keen to move to the Pincombe book but do want to do a good finish to the Siderfin Book since I took it on as a revision of James Sanders book although it has rather morphed to a free standing book of its own with revisions here and there and a lot of his information is now in the appendices. 

Another day in God's world and the Ian White's Psalms is playing as most days. The music is lovely. Rain again today; God weeps for the lost children of the world for sure. They are wrapped tightly in His arms for evermore. We must do better in this world to take care of His creations. 

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