Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Israel deserves our support, the Satanic forces gather

I believe Israel and the proof they have provided. They did not bomb the hospital. It is the aim and spoken desire of the Satanic forces of Hamas, Hezbollah, the remnants of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestine Islamic Jihadist which descends from the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy Israel along with the help and support of  Iran which provides the money on top of what we in the world send to the UN to support the Palestinian people. Hamas skims off the top from that money and very little trickles down to the Palestinian people.  It is a miracle that Israel has survived considering the evil forces that swirl around them. It is not even a century since the last Satan entity rose and tried to destroy the Jewish people. We must help them, support them as they battle against the desire of these Satanic entities and others that remain hidden to us at the moment. Watching President Biden descend from the plane of the President of the United States was telling. He stood tall and strong like the American people. Like Franklin Delano Roosevelt he has the task of persuading the American people to continue to fight the evil in the post-COVID world created by the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers as they attack Ukraine and now the Satanic forces of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestine Islamic Jihadist are after Israel. God made us strong so that we can survive all of this and we will.

The people of Gaza are suffering and the next converts to these violent organizations could come from Gaza unless we are there to help to push for humanitarian corridors to get the food, water and medicines in. Hamas is desperate; they need the protection of the Gazan peoples to stay off Israel and they will do anything to discredit Israel. 

My mind is somewhat consumed with this at the moment but slowly I am returning to my book once again. I am just one little person in my corner of the world and I need to work on my book. 

President Biden has given his entire adult life to the service of the American people. We need to watch as this eighty year old out walks and out talks those around him. His mind might wander a little but his commitment to the American people never wavers. He does not think of his own profit but the profit of the American people is his first concern. When one hits these older years, one does not generally think of benefiting oneself. You can not take it with you dedicating your life to good causes is a much better way to end your days. President Biden knows the American people from the poorest child to the wealthiest American. He has lived all the sides of the coin perhaps not terribly poor but his father worked hard for his living and taught his son to be a God-fearing God-loving Christian and a good Catholic. 

On to the day. I am up early but have a lot to do today. Cleaning all accomplished the research week begins again.

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