Thursday, October 26, 2023

Making limited headway but continuing

The day flew by quickly as there was groceries to do and my exercises. I did keep at the Eleventh Generation though but it is slow slogging at the moment. Hopefully it speeds up  although Robert had even more daughters than John did and that is part of the slowdown. I had never planned to write a book so my notations for the female lines of Siderfin are not quite as good as they could be and I am obviously doing something about that. I may not carry it on very far but anything into the middle of the 18th century works for a lot of people as it is easy to trace back from the 1921 census if you are in England or the 1931 Census in Canada or the 1951 Census in the United States. With three of my grandparents born in England, everything that I look up is pretty much records in England. Anything before 1850 is pretty much English except I have my maternal grandfather's mother being born here in 1839 but I have all of her records so not a problem. Two of her sisters actually died in childbirth as I discovered; I believe my mother knew that actually although I do not remember knowing it before I started down this track in 2003. But having had rather long long deliveries I wonder sometimes if that is what happened to those two women; exhaustion and blood loss - no ideas as their death records death as a result of delivery. 

But I digress and it is the 21st century now and far fewer maternal deaths these days. 

I am working on one family that was in Minehead, Somerset but the daughter married a farmer who was in Shropshire. After her father died her mother came to live with them and is on the census for three cycles. The father was older than the mother by a number of years (14 actually) and it probably improved the life of that family as they had nine children and all survived. Nothing like an extra pair of hands for sure when babies are small. 

Trying to stay out of the world's problems but ultimately so long as I breathe they are also my problems. I must disagree with President Erdogan of Turkey. He has proven to be a thoughtful person the President but Hamas, to the world of Christianity/Judaism, is a terrorist organization because they have dedicated themselves to the eradication of Israel and Christianity in the long run. None of us would have a known beginning without the peoples of Israel who brought forward the word of God from the time of Creation to the present (the very words that we read; the words that were transmitted to the people of God were brought forward by the peoples of Israel to the present, in my case the converts from Judaism to Christianity which was brought to England - although my ancient people would have practised the Celtic Rites which eventually merged with the Christian Church in the British Isles). The history of Israelis on this land where they dwell is ancient. My peoples (and except for three ancestors, my mother, her father and  his mother) are ancient to the British Isles with very few exceptions thus far (I do have two Huguenot ancestors from the late 1400s from France); our DNA carries those markers of ancient times. Yet I am a Canadian and proudly so, born a British Subject in Canada prior to 1st of January 1947 so a Canadian as of the first of January 1947. The world changed at the dawn of the 20th century and especially after the Second World War and people moved about. The Palestinians themselves are colonials and nomads who finally found a place to settle (I had thought they were descendants of the Philistines initially but reading up on that most Philistines were destroyed in several conquests and their territory (modern day Gaza) fell under other rule (Roman at one time so a very long time ago). Although it is thought from what I have been reading that some Philistine lines may have survived and be present as both Jews and Palestinians (DNA testing might help but chosen ethnicity would probably have changed anything significant centuries ago). But I do think having their own state is a great idea; always have since I first heard of the Palestinians. They need to find a way to live in harmony with the people of Israel though and through my lifetime I have watched as peoples of Gaza killed children of Israel in pizza parlours with their friends and so many other incursions that resulted mostly in the murder of children; we all need to do that live in harmony with our neighbours (and that includes attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank; the attacks are wrong and still wrong if they are against the Jewish people living there - stay out of it; there is really enough trouble in the Middle East). (Palestinians from Gaza who come here complain about their living conditions in Gaza but these conditions are created by Hamas and themselves; Israel does have a right to defend themselves - stop giving them a reason to fight back.) The Creator did not give anyone the right to destroy the people of Israel simply because they exist - God told Abraham that his descendants would number more than the stars in the sky. That God came to us in different ways has created Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But we can still work together and make this world the great place that He wanted it to be. We must get rid of the Satanists in our midst (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihadists and others that see some peoples of the world as Infidels and thus expendable). That is our duty to this world; to the word of God and to God Himself. 

Another day in God's world and thank you to the Creator for sparing us to this time and place. Life is precious and I am saddened to see the deaths that result from this war that Hamas started and they continue to bomb Israel daily as does Hezbollah - it is the right of Israel and their God-given duty to defend themselves. It is Satan that drives Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihadists and the others who follow their resolve. We need to rid Satanists from our midst (and that includes the psychopathic nazi Putin and his enablers). How it is done, I have no idea but these groups (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihadists) are far more dangerous in the Arabic world than in mine. They undermine everything that is good in their countries. 

On to the day, more work on the Siderfin book. I shall be glad to have it finished. But then the last part of any task is often the hardest although I do try to do the hardest things first. That is my way so that there is pleasure in the work that follows - words of wisdom from my grandfather.

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