Tuesday, October 17, 2023

mtDNA H11 study

I have not published the newsletter for the mtDNA H11 study since Russia invaded Ukraine in that a number of my members are in Ukraine and quite a few in Russia. I felt that it was not correct to do that. As time has passed I have been contemplating releasing the 1st issue of the year as it has the most interesting details regarding the naming of the subclades. There is no personal information in that newsletter. I mention countries of origin as given to me by the participants only. Although I do include some of the mutations as I create the different subclades. I will think about this for a couple of weeks and may decide to publish last February's newsletter (already produced) on the 1st of November and that would mean that the newsletter would then be produced again on the 1st of February with the yearly summing up of subclades and new additions. 

I am a conservative person in my outlook and I do come from a democratic country so liberal views are expressed in my country which is their right. But I am perhaps not providing a full enough experience as I have been doing with this particular research project. All of my other projects (three of them) are still being published every three months and I have not even noticed if some of the members of those three groups are living in different countries around the world. 

It was the shock of one country invading another sovereign country in Europe and I still feel strongly about the rights of sovereign countries. Nothing has changed in that regard. 

But the recent events in Israel have made me aware that a very large population of people on their border - the Palestinian people have been lead by a terrorist group whether they liked it or not and I have continued to support both Israel and the Palestine people although rejecting the philosophy and character of Hamas which is a terrorist organization. Perhaps I should have considered that at the time when I stopped publishing the H11 Newsletter. And so I have decided to consider it and will likely publish the February Issue on the 1st of November of the H11 Newsletter. I will also continue to support verbally the people of Ukraine who have been invaded and continue having to defend themselves and push out the invading Russian army. 

As I continue to support Israel. I do not trust Hamas; they do not want the people of Gaza to move away from Gaza City and I believe would do just about anything to keep them from doing that. Appearances more than prove that. The Palestinians offer Hamas a protection that would be stripped away if they are gone. Hamas has no other interest in the Palestinian people. They have done nothing for them since they took over the government in 2005 (or thereabouts) except keep them in a rather needy state. None of my business though particularly I am too busy writing my books. I am now hearing 85,000 pregnancies ongoing in a population of couple of a million where half of them are children. Their birthrate is very high. The heavy use of incubators is interesting. I wonder if they have a high level of blood disorders. I haven't thought about that for a long time. Anyway not something that affects all of this particularly. I am sure there will still be a lot of children born in Gaza for quite a while yet. In the pictures they are very attached to their children.

Watching the video and Israel does have a lot of high tech all around the perimeter. Identifying the blast as the responsibility of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad who are dedicated to the establishment of their own Palestine. They likely did it to break up the meeting between President Biden and the other Arab State leaders planned after his arrival tomorrow. They will not scare Biden away; he is made of much sterner stuff than that. Plus they wanted to blame Israel as they are also dedicated to the military destruction of Israel. Israel has a lot of enemies and Hamas is likely preferring to blame Israel rather than the actual group who did it. This organization would eliminate or absorb Hamas and they are also involved in Egypt which has now outlawed them. Israel has done well to survive so long actually. This group assassinated Anwar Sadat president of Egypt about fourty years ago. They are an older group known originally as the Muslim Brotherhood. This does add to the problem and it is one that the Arab world will want to settle quickly. Blaming Israel is perhaps just a way to get them to lighten up on the bombing I am sure Hamas knows who bombed the hospital. The PIJ is a very serious threat to the Palestinian State which the people in Gaza would like to have. They have attacked Israel many times and they are very familiar with their modus operandi.

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