Saturday, October 14, 2023

My mind has been overwhelmed

 Prayers continuing for Afghanistan as they recover from the earthquakes.

Prayers for Ukraine in their continuing battle for survival against the forces of evil that threaten them namely the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his enablers. Glory to Ukraine

Prayers for Israel and the Palestinian people as they begin to walk together towards that peace that they all deserve. An end to Hamas and its satanic treatment of the Jewish people and equally they constantly expose the Palestinian people to danger as they are the sole cause of this war. It is the aim of Hamas to destroy Judaism on the face of the earth. We must, all of us who love God and this earth, ensure that Hamas is gone from the face of the earth and Hezbollah as well if they try to stab the Israelis in the back. God be with the Palestinians as they journey on their way to freedom and protection in southern Gaza. The UN will set up facilities so they have food and water until they can go home once again. Egypt has opened their access point for food, water and medical supplies to come in.

This week my mind has been consumed with the plight of the Israeli people and the Palestinian people. How insulting to the essence of the human race to have watched the results of Hamas attacking babies, children, women and men in Israel. They are cowards. If hostages were killed it is because Hamas put them in harm's way. For that they should pay; they will pay for any harm to the hostages. They should pay for the pain they have caused to all of Israel and all of the Jewish people of the world. The price is very high that we place on the human existence. God exacts the final revenge but we are left with making people pay for their crimes against humanity so that they can never commit them again. Release the hostages Hamas. May that be the world refrain until it happens. No support for Hamas. Fire the people who support them; they  have no right to spout their hatred in our schools; in our work places. Spouting hate in Canada is a crime. The Palestinians can and will have a better life when Hamas is gone and they can go home.

It is interesting to read how the other countries of this area view the movement of the Palestinian people. I see it as their salvation. The UN should see it as their salvation. They will receive food, water and somewhat limited accommodation to be sure but they will live. Gaza City will be lucky to have anything standing other than the hospitals when all of this is done. Hamas may well try to blow them up as well as a parting gesture - they are literally inhuman. The Palestinians gain nothing with Hamas; they gain a future working with Israel. Jobs, clean cities and a better chance for their children to live and breathe the clean air of  being human not tainted by the barbaric and satanic air that Hamas provides for them; they certainly were not providing them with all the aid that was sent to them from around the world. The Palestinians are and have been only shields for Hamas to hide behind. Like the rest of the countries around Israel they do not provide help to the Palestinians. These countries are wealthy they could be shipping tons and tons of food, water, medical supplies to Egypt to send into the area and help these people. They could send them tents to live in. Blankets to keep them warm. They have so much money and could be helping them. Where is their support for the Palestinian people? Hamas does not support them - they only use them as human shields to protect themselves. The Palestinians have homes to go back to which will have to be rebuilt (another way that the nations around them could help them). Help the Palestinians who are heading to freedom finally from Hamas. Give them hope for the future. They are after all your blood; they carry your DNA but they also carry the DNA of all of us. We humans are more than 99.9% the same. 

The appropriate punishment for Hamas - death sounds good perhaps too easy for them though but I think wearing chains (now a days we can implant many many trackers in their bodies, especially close to major arteries/veins which can serve as chains; of course we would have medics at hand in case one of them accidentally moves!) the rest of their days and being made to clean up the mess in Gaza City first of all sounds more appropriate - making martyrs out of them is not generally a good way to go although most tempting for sure to be done with them. I am sure if the hostages have been harmed that it will be impossible not to take an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth; a life for a life though; harsh moments in time can not generally be taken back. Hamas could be made to serve out their entire life in a penal colony; they have destroyed so many lives. This penal colony could then be used to clean up the messes created by people like Hamas and anyone taking up their banner can join them if they too try such an attack. That way like the Nuremberg Trials punishment can be handed out to fit the individual but in the meantime as 20,000 people is a lot, if there are that many, they can work and start repaying for their crimes against humanity which includes all the dead thus far both Israeli and Palestinian and all the injured both Israeli and Palestinian. Hamas is responsible for all deaths (and since they were against the Palestinians leaving Gaza City I suspect they were responsible for the deaths on the road).  God will judge them at the end of their days. The old ways do seem appropriate. They should be made to pay for what they have done. Chopping off hands, fingers also rather an appealing idea but then they could not work so maybe not. 

I see Russia is using the Iranian/Hamas/N Korea aid to them to try and take territory in Ukraine. We are watching Nazis; we are watching. One does learn who one's friends are.

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