Wednesday, October 25, 2023

On to the Siderfin book and the 11th generation

 I did get a little done on the Siderfin book yesterday along with cleaning the basement and putting away the summer footwear. Today I should accomplish more as I would like to be close to the end of this generation towards the beginning of November. I do get distracted but must try to stay in focus. 

Perhaps remembering I am 78 and no one actually listens to me should help to temper my distractions! There are not quite 500 people in this family tree from John Siderfin in the early 1500s up to the end of the 12th generation which includes the children of the 13th generation. Not a very large family as size goes but not as small as some family names are that can be traced back this far. 

Since I have accomplished what I actually set out to do; link Robert Siderfin married to Elizabeth (Question) Siderfin back to their ancestral line (likely John (possibly Robert) brothers and sons of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) I am satisfied with the results. I do accept though, and that is why I am doing a Creative Commons License to publish this book, that someone may actually revise it sooner rather than later. Definitely I have not followed through on the female Siderfin lines where they have taken on their husband's surname (as one generally did even when I was married 57 years ago) and I do not personally have that strong attachment to the surname as it belonged to my 3x great grandmother which is a rather long way back, Elizabeth (Betty) 7 Siderfin (Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born in the 1700s. I did want to publish the connection because it did  not go into the Westminster History Book for which my Pincombe cousins and I with my siblings had written the Pincombe Profile and since I had found it I did want to ensure that the connection was not lost. So two accomplishments in total and that fulfills my planned accomplishments. Anything else is just really extra including the autosomal DNA which I am still considering. I am not sure what I will actually put into that chapter but do spend some time thinking about it on occasion. 

I am a person though who is also interested in the world situation and it does enter into my blog post when it is uppermost in my mind. Writing it down does let me look at it more analytically and noting that currently Israel is being bombed from both Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north on a daily basis. It is the principle that a country that is bombed has a right to defend itself. Hamas constantly inflates the number of Palestinian deaths in order to arose the people around the world including in my country. I, of course, fail to understand why these same people in my country get so full of hate for the Jewish people whom they blame when they have done absolutely nothing to help their people achieve the Palestinian State. They have after all found a safe haven and they could be writing to the United Nations daily to encourage the Palestinian statehood of their now shared allegiance as they carry passports for both Canadian citizenship and Palestinian citizenship. Naturally I become quite antagonized when they start marching about with their non-Canadian-flags in my country and hating the Jewish people. It does not make any sense; if you bomb people they are going to bomb you back; if you murder in a psychopathic way infants, children, women and men and take others hostage they are going to fight back. Although Hamas must be eliminated, it must be a united effort I agree with President Macron that first the hostages must be freed immediately and then Hamas must go so that the Palestinians can form their own state and Hamas will  not be robbing them of monies and supplies that are sent for the Palestinians not them. Parading in our streets and threatening Pro-Israel  groups is unacceptable and we need to add amendments to our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to nip that in the bud as soon as possible. Language of hate is illegal in this country. I believe my mind has finally congealed on all of this and I shall watch as the powers in the world come up with the solution that best works for Israel and to produce movement forward for the establishment of the Palestinian State which one notes Israel has been in favour of ever since Israel left Gaza to the Palestinians back in the early 2000s. Hamas is the problem; Palestinians need to realize that and boot them out; with that the coalition could help them. And it does make one very sad to see the devastation in Gaza and the deaths. All this killing needs to stop; are humans not capable of better. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah do what they do to get the world aroused; they  make it worse to increase the unrest around the world; do not let them destroy our world. God warned us that Satan is forever in the wings attempting a come-back. We must fight against the satanists of this world - Putin and his enablers, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad amongst others..

Prayers for Ukraine, Israel and Gaza and there are more around the world. Unrest is very sad. God's tears flow today as the rain pours down.

The day begins.

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