Thursday, October 12, 2023

One thing is for sure you reap what you sow and Hamas has reaped the wind

Israel's one advantage in all of this horror is the ability to completely close the border so that nothing goes into Gaza through Israel. The iron dome helps to protect their skies. Hopefully no more lives lost when Israel stops bombing Gaza. The Palestinians would then (to get rid of all the barriers) have to turn the Hamas fighters over to the Israelis or anyone else that would enjoy killing them (they outnumber them thousands to one or more); that is their duty as human beings and will prove that they are not part of this slaughter of the innocents; they could actually kill Hamas themselves and save the world that trouble. I am sure people that would like to kill Hamas number in the millions and millions but we could let the World Court do that. Nuremburg Trials all over again but perhaps a different city. Maybe we will also have Putin to try that would be nice.

But first the hostages need to be released then Israel could let fuel for the hospitals cross into Gaza from Israel. There is a small crossing from Egypt where food and water could enter which Egypt mentioned. The Egyptians do not wish to set up humanitarian corridors and I can understand that. No one wants to deal with Hamas except perhaps the Russians and the Iranians. But they are a long way away; how interesting that is. The Russian people will eventually rid themselves of the psychopathic Nazi leadership in their country. Corralling Russia is and has been an excellent idea as well. I would say in general no one particularly wants any wars except it appears Russia, Iran and Hamas. It is much more interesting to have trade back and forth; jobs; etc. etc.

I do not see why Israel should have to organize food corridors for people who hate them. But the fighting needs to stop before more Israelis are killed (and I do not like to see the people of Palestine killed either but it is their fault for not accepting that Israel could live on their own land that has belonged to them for thousands of years). The Israelis shouldn't waste their lives on these worthless people namely Hamas. Let Hamas sit there and deal with the Palestinians and hunger does do strange things to people. After all the Palestinians voted them in; in a democracy it is the responsibility of the people who voted them in to vote them out or force them out whichever comes first. 

But nothing crosses the border into Gaza from Israel until the hostages are freed. Nothing. No jobs for Palestinians and I am sure they enjoyed earning all that money. Nothing. Perhaps then we can solve this dreadful dilemma with no more loss of life other than the Hamas of course - they absolutely deserve to die for what they did in Israel and for their treatment of the Palestinian people (one hopes that they notice that it is Hamas that is their problem not anyone else). When Hamas dies they will roast in the fires which God provides for people like them. All those children dead both Israeli and Palestinian and it is all the fault of Hamas.

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