Thursday, October 12, 2023

Prayers for Afghanistan, Israel and Ukraine

 Prayers continue for the people of Afghanistan recovering from earthquakes. 

Back to the Siderfin Book and I have nearly completed the 10th generation portion up to Thomas. Just another page or so to go and then I have the material from a cousin for Thomas' line. I have not yet looked at it but the first set was very helpful. Perhaps I will complete the 10th generation this week. Then just the 11th and the 12th left to do. But I will still go with my new plan to publish towards the end of the year but start to serialize commencing in early to mid December. That keeps me from rushing. Timelines are for the life of working not retirement! Although I am very much a timeline person but adjusting is a good thing to do in old age.

"How are we ever going to understand this?" Listening to the American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken this morning as he speaks in Israel today. I wonder: 5th century behaviour in the 21st century - can Homo sapiens ever survive? I note Hamas have taken a cue card from the psychopathic Nazi Russian president Putin - denying that they have beheaded or abused women in their attack. Free the hostages; try to prove that you are human and this would be a good first step. Read an article that Egypt will permit food to cross their border into Gaza. I quite understand why Israel will allow nothing to cross their border until the hostages are returned to them and they better be in good health. Palestinians rid yourselves of Hamas - they do great damage to your desire to be a nation. A proud nation able to lift its head amongst the nations of the world. You can not do that with murderers and rapists in your midst; people who have tried to wipe the Jewish people from the face of the earth. How ignorant.

Two conflict areas and Ukraine is not forgotten. Glory to Ukraine. Prayers for Israel and Ukraine. 

Almost half way through the month of October; the fall is hurrying towards winter. I used to sing a little song that my children also learned: Winter is around the corner waiting for (name) and for each season we sang the same refrain from a young age. As I reflect on that I think of all the children murdered in Israel who will not see winter; they will not grow up; they are forever frozen in time and they are in God's arms much too early, His arms are full these days (and yes I do know that Palestinian children also have died because of Hamas' attack on Israel); They all had a right to grow up. God's judgement awaits Hamas for sure and the Bible tells us what that judgement is. I try not to pray for that judgement now immediately but the world would be a better place if they were wiped off the face of the earth and everyone with them who helped them to commit these barbarous acts.

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