Sunday, October 29, 2023

Progress is slow but on its way

Continuing with the eleventh generation of the Siderfin family and  working on John Siderfin/Sarah Clarke's children. This couple was not truely assigned in the chart that James Sanders produced and I have placed this John into the family of Robert son of Augustine. Primarily because of the will of Grace Trill, this placement appears to be more likely than John's family son of Augustine. 

Robert was John's and Sarah's eldest and Robert married Sarah Parsons and they had five daughters and one son. I have now completed this family. I do find it interesting that this side of the family, some of them, moved to the South Molton area of Devon. Robert's and Sarah's eldest daughter was the mother of James Sanders marrying James Hooper Sanders in 1842 but at St Decumans. Earlier in 1832 Elizabeth Rew (daughter of Elizabeth (Siderfin) Rew and John Rew married John Pincombe but at Bishops Nympton. This shift to Devon for some of the family is rather interesting and I will pursue that when I write the Pincombe book. 

Yesterday was principally a working day although I did take good breaks. At 78 one needs to do that I think. I am pretty much playing all of this growing old on the basis of my two grandparents in that my parents lived what was really a long way away from me as they aged (lived to be 94 my father and 85 my mother). My grandparents lived to be 79 and 80 but were both quite strong to the end of their lives. At that time 1950s/1960s life expectancy was considerably less (late 60s) than it is now although COVID has taken the low to middle 80s down a couple of years. My own health is not that strong and I must work at it. The exercise is part of that I rather think. 

Today is Sunday and Ian White's Psalms fill the room with the beautiful music. Another week of in-service only so no service on You-Tube. Last week I found a service on You-Tube which I listened to and the music was quite lovely. It was a Church just outside of Coventry, England. It was an accidental find but did remind me of my Grandmother's visit to England in 1939 back to Birmingham where she grew up and she visited with cousins in Coventry. 

Prayers for Israel, prayers for the Palestinian people, prayers for Ukraine. I still have hopes that the United Nations will be able to set up an Humanitarian area outside of Gaza for all of these people; it should be already done. The land looks quite empty around there and all the wealthy nations nearby could surely help with that. But I am a dreamer perhaps but do try to follow the commandments given to us first by God and later by Jesus. Love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbour as ourself. 

Snow is promised for today; we will see.

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