Saturday, October 28, 2023

Starting Robert's descendants for the 11th Generation

Still moving forward slowly but I am content with the results. Working on Robert Siderfin's descendants (Robert son of Augustine) now and there is a lot of material (except for the daughters children if any) in this section plus it has the work from another researcher on Thomas' line. There are 28 pages of text but a lot of it is census which I am putting into the footnotes. The odds of getting through it by next weekend (would be seven days and four pages a day) so likely which is good news. Then the last generation and a lot of the 13th generation children have been added in but again footnoting to do so perhaps half the work. We will see how quickly it goes. I am hoping to get to the proofreading and indexing sooner rather than a lot later. 

A very warm fall day today, up to about 18 degrees celsius. Those days will be few and far between now though as November approaches. Just the leaves really and I will start on them once they are all down.  Although may fill two or three bags a day.

Thinking about the Pincombe book now every now and then. I will update the footnotes directly in the notes of my legacy file in the style that I would want them to be in. I am still debating how to handle 50,000 hits on Find My Past. I really should look at them and they have grown so large since Find My Past was created. I did do some work like that years ago looking at all the hits but the numbers increased very rapidly. Now though if I am going to write a book I need to see what is there. 

With the amount of money that is donated to the Palestinians by nations around the world, too bad it wasn't used to rent a huge fleet of cruise ships and put the Palestinians on them and take them out into the Mediterranean away from all of this horror. I am sure Hamas would have tried to stop that (or sneak onto the boats) but as an idea it only just came to me. There have been millions and millions of dollars going to support the Palestinian people and when you look at the city there isn't much industry created there to show for it. Lots of tunnels though. Each of the cabins on cruise ships would hold an entire family. Too bad the notion didn't come to me earlier. I can still hardly believe that a humanitarian area wasn't set up outside of Gaza for them where they could be properly taken care of especially the children. Definitely they will go back to Gaza although I can not think why people would live in their circumstances for generations when there is an entire world around them. But I do realize that poverty and circumstance can dictate a pretty limited future. 

The day begins with Ian White's Psalms as usual. There is a lot of knowledge in the Psalms. It is wondrous that they have been passed down to us through all these generations.

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