Thursday, October 19, 2023

Support for the Palestinian people

Throughout all of this I have also supported the Palestinian people as well as Israel. The violence is disgusting but Hamas does anything they can to put the Palestinians in harm's way by moving in amongst them in particular the individuals who executed the satanic attack on the Israel kibbutzs. Hamas is doing it on purpose to try to sway the world against Israel. They know they have a target on their back and will for the remainder of their lives just like the people who ran the Concentration Camps in the Second World War. They sowed the strife and will reap the revenge. If you talk ownership the Israelis have been on that land for thousands of years. Why can they not live on their land in peace?

If the marches had been simply supporting the Palestinian people I can support that idea but object to the only time they do that is when Hamas attacks Israel and they cheer Hamas on; that is hate for Israel it is not support for the Palestinian people. Any other time the Arab world itself and most people simply ignore the Palestinians. The plight of the Palestinian people is dire and they need help but no one helps them other than the United Nations. The rest, they just use them. I am not though a supporter of groups carrying the flags of other countries in Canada unless there is a celebration which has been requested and agreed on. Canada has a flag; a number of flags actually. I only have three Canadian born ancestors, my mother, her father and his mother all the rest are from England but I do not consider it proper to be flying the flag of the United Kingdom except when the King or his representatives come. I am Canadian. 

Hopefully when this is all over the Palestinian State will be formed and they will get help setting up their own government. I was heartened listening to a young family that lives here quite a bit in Canada saying that  no they were not leaving this time because they wanted to be there if there was a chance for a Palestinian State as they wanted to be part of that. Wonderful words and one hopes and prays that that happens.  

My prayers that this time the crossing will open and food, water and medicines will pass in for the Palestinian people. Hopefully Hamas and its followers are not there demanding a place at the front of the line ahead of the Palestinians who just want to live, raise their children and have a life.

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