Monday, October 30, 2023

The Clarke family is enormous in the Siderfin Family

 Mostly I worked on the Clarke family yesterday and it is an interesting one. John Siderfin son of Robert Siderfin and Grace Kent married Sarah Clarke 4 Jun 1787 at Selworthy and they had three children, Elizabeth their daughter married married William Clarke (both Clarkes were of East Lynch but do not know if they were related, and I am not going to work that out, one name study on the Siderfin family!). William and Elizabeth had fourteen children, they went into farming and a number of professions/trades all over England (at least a few places not quite all over). Locating them on the census was my task of  yesterday. A number of them did not actually have children or only had a couple which was lucky as it is a difficult surname in terms of so many to work through. But I have completed that task in the 11th generation now although I will still have to work on the children of this generation in the twelfth generation but that is for next month! I just have 20 pages left to work on and I have been able to do five pages a day so hopefully done towards the end of the week. It is not predictable how much I can do on cleaning days although the first day is the basement so may be able to pack away a few pages today. 

The Church Service I watched after I read and sang the Service from my Church today was in Swindon, Wiltshire and it was Celebration of the Bible Service day; a celebration of the gift of the Bible down through the ages as I do comment on occasion that we have Judaism to thank for the Bible being maintained through many thousands of years. Their academic work on the Old Testament is quite fascinating and so in depth. My only regret in not going to Church in-service is the Sermon (and the organ) as I really do appreciate having a Biblical Scholar in the pulpit although the other sermons are also very interesting. But this service online today at Swindon included everything in British Sign Language (BSL) and a little discussion on a Bible being created using BSL. At first I was thinking well one could read it in English but I do see their point that deaf people do learn a great deal in a different way from people who can hear; they do not have the luxury of all the extra learning that occurs simply because you are in the right place at the right time because there probably isn't BSL there. So I did find that most interesting to learn this morning. It is amazing what you can find on You-Tube. 

Snow beautiful snow has fallen overnight. Just a lovely white covering which will melt but the beginning of wondrous winter. Thank you God for the beauty of the earth which we are meant to honour and respect.

Prayers for Israel and all Jewish people under threat, Prayers for the Palestinians. Prayers for Ukraine. Prayers for the trapped miners in Kazakhstan. The wonders of modern news that we would know about such disasters in far off Canada. 

Up early and a lot of work to do; this is cleaning day.

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