Friday, October 13, 2023

The French have taken a stand

 Today my pride for France is enormous. They have used teargas and water cannon to break up a banned rally in support of the Palestinian people but in reality the rally was in support of Hamas because the supporters do not deny Hamas; they do not blame Hamas for the horror that the world has been forced to watch. France has also ordered the arrest of participants in the illegal rallies. Until the hostages are free alive unhurt there can be no weakening of the resolve for Israel to protect their border with Gaza. Food can enter in from Egypt; the Egyptians will allow that. The sympathy of the free world is with Israel and their lost children; their lost wives and mothers and their lost men. Gunned down, murdered in obscene ways by savages who do not deserve to be called human. Hamas must be stopped.

Israel has asked the Palestinians to move away from where Hamas is centering their fight against Israel. Hamas has said do not move. Hamas uses the Palestinian people as a shield to protect Hamas;they want to have as many Palestinians killed as possible to make Israel look like the problem. The sympathy the Palestinians once garnered in the capitals of the world was destroyed totally by Hamas. The Palestinians are complicit in those horrors committed by Hamas unless they unite against Hamas and drive them into the hands of the free world that will deal with them. Hamas are criminals. But I can see that is  not necessarily an easy thing to do.

Surely moving the Palestinians out of the way can be done. After all the Chinese moved millions of people to the west after they were attacked before and during the Second world War. That is nearly a century ago. Many of those people walked a thousand miles or more to safety carrying their children with them. The Palestinians must either destroy Hamas themselves or move; do they really have a choice? Hamas only uses them as human shields to try to make Israel look wrong in the eyes of the world. Although I sympathize with WHO I fail to understand why they cannot move people; Is it Hamas that they fear; that they will attack the ambulances needed to convey people? Surely anyone can be moved to safety.

The other solution is for the United Nations to demand the surrender of Hamas and take them away. Would that that could happen. As a child I thought the United Nations could do anything to keep peace in our world.

Examining the map (which I never really looked at in detail before) Gaza is a very small place chosen particularly by Hamas because it is indefensible without using human shields which they have and do do constantly. Israel is not at fault here; they have been wronged. 

There are wealthy countries around Israel; ask them to provide vehicles and move these people from the hospitals and shelters so that they can get care. The United Nations is a powerful organization and must support the destruction of Hamas just as they supported the destruction of ISIS. They are all extremist groups who must be stopped; they will do most of their damage in Muslim countries and this is just the beginning; no country is safe from extremism especially Muslim countries. Russia has provided Hamas with training it is said and perhaps the equipment from Iran I suspect in order to deflect from their sinister purposes they work behind the scenes. We must act; no one wants Palestinians to be killed but they also need to help themselves. They could easily walk to the other end of Gaza most of them. Their homes are already destroyed what do they have to lose?

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