Monday, October 16, 2023

Waiting for the robot

The robot cleans my basement rugs; does a good job and since I have one might as well use it. I do not use it anywhere else as it is actually too slow. That is one of the problems that computers present to the world. They produce huge amounts of data; people are writing more and more and the volume of paper has increased perhaps as much as 100,000 times since I was young. Resulting in an actually slower movement of events.

Just sorting through my fiche (I have probably 2000 to 3000 fiche that I have purchased over the past twenty years. A lot of that material is on databases now but not all of it. The priests were most accommodating in what they added to various items as they recorded the life of the villages, town and cities of England (and I have collections of this material from four of the seven different areas where my families lived).  For some of the areas the time is just too far in the past for the Parish Registers. For other areas I just didn't see the need to have fiche there especially as so much is on the databases and my lines are distant so not quite as interested in what the priest may or may not have written. 

But over time I have not retained necessarily every fiche that I own in my up to date mind as I call it. As soon as I see it I can remember when and why I purchased it but in my current mind it doesn't come up unless I have a refresher like this present trek through the sets. I was looking for one fiche that has taken legs. I will find it eventually and it isn't actually all that important as it is on line at Ancestry but the opportunity to look at all that fiche couldn't be missed and I did have some rewards from that industry. 

I am still in the midst of the Siderfin Book although have not given it a great deal of thought this past week. My thoughts have been with the Israelis and with the Palestinian people. Hamas is responsible for all of those Israeli and Palestinian deaths as they would not have happened. They just had to not attack Israel. There was a trap there I rather think. Iran set a trap; they have funded Hezbollah and Hamas to build up a huge arsenal and Israel was sitting on that powder keg of their two arch enemies (one above and one below). Had Israel known that Hamas would attack and they attacked first many would have blamed Israel and Hezbollah would have attacked them as soon as they went after Hamas. They would have been annihilated. Instead a break in Israel's surveillance resulted in that horrific massacre we were forced to watch and see on our televisions. Hezbollah still sits on that trigger waiting for the opportunity to bomb Israel. What will the world do? Are we finally at that abyss - Is this what the Arab world wants? They have the power to stop Hamas and Hezbollah. After all they share this huge peninsula of land. Rise up in the United Nations and condemn these criminals; take them out. Put them in places where they can do no more evil. I am sure the Palestinians will be happy to see Hamas gone and the Lebanese people will be glad to part with Hezbollah. Now is the time.  Iran bombed a plane loaded with Canadians; they have never paid for that crime. Does the world continue to let Iran get away with their interfering in the existence of the world? How long does anyone think Iran would wait to then start working on the other people in the Middle East that they do not like.

Let God's world flourish and be enjoyed by people without hatred. The Russians are no different; they have already let the world know what they want.

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