Thursday, November 23, 2023

11th Generation basically completed and on to the 12th Generation

 Just the last family in the 11th generation to continue to do a little searching in but overall the 11th generation has now led me to the 12th Generation and I will probably begin that tomorrow but will see how the day goes. I have some other work that I need to do today along with a couple of items to listen to/watch. 

The Bible reading today is Psalm 100. Psalms of praise are a meaningful way to thank God for all His gifts to the world.  He has given us so much and asks for so little in actual fact. But as always the greed for money, ability to live a longer life dominate in our world and create much of the hardship that exists. Is there enough in the world for everyone to have a God-fearing world centered life? I think there is and we just have to do that in order for our world as we know it to survive. Back-stabbing like we saw when Hamas attacked Israel in a barbaric way that does also resemble Russia's attack on Ukraine is not living the life that God commanded. The weeks and months ahead will reveal to us just who Hamas is; Hamas will be rooted out and destroyed. They are evil. 

Egypt has done its part in helping and now has taken in the infants to care for them. They are the gate-keepers because they also do not want Hamas in their country. I have listened to Turkey's leader whom I do respect for his consistent effort to help end the war that Russia engages against Ukraine. But his view of Hamas differs greatly from what we have seen in the attack on Israel. Time will tell; God has a way of bringing the world to the level of living that He wants. Sometimes during the dark days of World War II my mother said that it just seemed that everything was evil but then the sunny uplifted plain came into sight as the French Resistance helped prepare the way along with early Allied parachutists into France just before D-Day. Then that huge armada landed on the Normandy coast and they never left until the war ended. The fight was long and hard but soon the Nazis lay dead or in prison waiting their trial at Nuremberg. Although it wasn't truly peace as Russia enslaved the entire part of Eastern Europe that it could reach before they were stopped, peace gradually came and the United Nations became a place to discuss. Russia shattered that; Hamas has shattered that and now we must reclaim it by supporting Israel as it fights for its existence in a land that Israelis have lived in for thousands of years. They ask to be allowed to live in peace where their people have lived for thousands of years. It is jealousy that drives some of this anti-semitism along with ancient hatreds because the Jewish people are hard-working and have made a quick success in their state of Israel bringing it to wealth and happiness shattered recently by Hamas. Who is Hamas? we will learn. They must die; they are satanists. God cast out Satan for a good reason eons ago and now we must do it as well.

On to the day. Tea and solitaire to come first after jumping jacks.

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