Tuesday, November 28, 2023

And how to avoid the doorbell ringing

Learned something new today; with my car in the garage people do not come up and ring the doorbell so often. I did answer it once in the last couple of months when the students were collecting cans of food for the poor (they left a note to say when they would be coming). But mostly I do ignore it but with the car in the garage I do not think it has rung even once since I put it in there. However once the snow comes and the company is clearing it with each snowfall then the doorbell rings once again as then you can tell that someone is there.

Yesterday cleaning all accomplished and about six or seven pages done on the Siderfin book. I also worked on my file for the autosomal DNA chapter. I was right there are a number of good matches - third cousin matches with the descendants of my 2x greatgrandmother's sister as they were twins and fourth cousin matches with the descendants of my 3x great grandmother Elizabeth Siderfin's siblings. There are a number of them less than 20 cM but greater than 12 cM l but I want to have a good look at them so have built this excel file using the 23 and Me results as there are actually 115 Pincombe matches in total and about 80% of them are over 20 cM. I have pulled out the Pincombe-Gray-Routledge as that is my maternal grandfather's mother's line so what is left is his father's line and his mother was a Rew and her mother a Siderfin. There are 100 that are unknown or Rew so must look at all of them and have done that for one sibling so now I can go in and put the other three siblings in (only four of us tested at 23 and Me) and eliminate the ones that are too small (generally I choose 20 cM or greater but if I actually know the person then I might leave them in the Chart. Moving forward with that. I could also start working on the Appendices for a little variety and will think about that but there are about 25 pages left in the 12th Generation to work on for footnoting and making sure I have all of my cousin's material in on Thomas (brother to my Elizabeth Siderfin (3x great grandmother)),. With a bit of luck I will finish that on Wednesday or Thursday and then can start the proofreading and indexing. I still have to decide if I will index the places and I actually think not but will stick with just a name index at the moment and decide later. 

Up early today, had a nightmare which I haven't had for quite a while. But it is very restful to think about being in God's world and the day begins. My large cleaning day today and will have an early start unless I fall asleep for a nap after breakfast which will be soon as I am definitely hungry. Always wake up hungry but that is because I eat a light dinner, my meals grow progressively smaller as the day passes. I do enjoy a good sized breakfast for sure. 

Good progress on the book yesterday for sure. Hopefully the end of the 12th generation by Wednesday or Thursday. The DNA chapter is forming and it will be relatively short. The footnoting of the Appendices can happen in tandem with the DNA chapter. Then onto proofreading and indexing. The end is in sight for sure. 

But already I am thinking about the Pincombe and Blake books and I will do them simultaneously. That is actually a good idea and will make my conversations with my daughters less boring perhaps as I will have two different items to discuss. Although I do not think they are very interested in genealogy although time will tell. My oldest daughter did ask me to keep all of her Dad's material and she will work on it (it is mostly scanned to make it much easier to search and all that) when she retires which is amazingly not that far away although she would like to still do some work when she comes back but would have retired from her present position although it is still quite a while before then. My youngest daughter will be working for quite a while yet I am sure. She is very very busy in her practice and her work in the hospital. Life for a country doctor can be really busy as there are not enough of them and thousands of people without doctors as well who come to emergency at the hospital. So a very busy time for sure. 

I think Camomile Tea first and then breakfast.

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