Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Canada is a blessed country

Canada is a blessed country for sure. Our governments have been effective through the years primarily because the leadership has been shared election after election. Predominantly the Liberals have been in power and that has made us a caring country because liberals do tend to support and  join causes that make a country friendlier to live in. But we also have had good fiscal Conservative governments to constantly rein in the spending whenever it became just a little bit too excessive. It is this balance that has given us the Canada of today. I am starting to see Pierre Poilievre could be that kind of a Conservative - fiscal. We, fiscal Conservatives thought our last Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper would be that kind of Conservative but he failed us when he decreased the GST instead of increasing it. Had he increased it the problems that followed 2008 would have been minimized much more by that step. We do need the Bryan Mulroney clones to have the gumption to be, if need be, the one term party because that is the raison d'etre of the Conservative party to be fiscally in control of the government and to wipe frivolous spending. Prime Minister Harper also did not support the military but continued that downward spiral that was underfunding it. We need our military well funded. They do far more than fight wars for our country. We have huge spaces, three oceans and the cost of managing that space will be huge. The cost of not  managing it even larger. But watching question period yesterday I felt that I am now seeing a Prime Minister in waiting. But he needs to have Bryan Mulroney's strength and accept that he may only serve the one election span and be back in opposition where the Conservatives do their best work reining in the frivolous spending. The current Minister of Finance has been quite effective but liberalism is a more frivolous type of government. Although I do support such things as minimum income this may not be the time for that but I think it is a country that takes care of all of its citizens that brings in such a measure. I do not believe in Social Conservatism; we should not be involved in people's souls. That belongs to God. Mind you I do realize I am principally a social conservative as well but I refuse to force my conceptions of how one should live their life on anyone else unless they are breaking the laws of my country of course.

Cleaning all accomplished. No work on the Siderfin Book yesterday it was the long cleaning day.  Today the basement and then all accomplished. This morning with chocolate in my system I went out and moved the leaves that I absolutely needed to put on the gardens (as selected by my daughter). There is still more that could have leaves but will wait until this next expected snow melts. I can now spend the afternoon on the Siderfin Book. I am very keen to get through this 11th generation and on to the last generation that I will record. But I am starting to mull around my daughter's idea of working the Pincombe and the Blake book at the same time in a practical way. Since both deal with ancient English families I am using the same basic tools so doable for sure. I am working in different areas. The Pincombe family was of Devon from the late 1480s on and part of my research is looking at the Pencombe family of Herefordshire (documents back to 1321, the earliest documents in Devon do use the Pencombe spelling). The Blake family of Andover was in that area at least from 1301 on and my grandfather was quite convinced that they had been there forever and his yDNA (my brothers were tested) do point to an ancient line in the British Isles dubbed the "Deer Hunters" by Ethnoancestry in their testing. So a hunter gatherer people who perhaps came to the British Isles as early as 12,000 years ago and perhaps as late as 8,000 years ago the time span is large for this early peoples. The yDNA of the Pincombe family is likely Celtic and perhaps a little later to the British Isles but I haven't really gone into that very much. I can see where I could do this; work them together and provide variety in my days. Good suggestion on her part and I thank her. 

God speed to the rights of the abused (all of the people of Israel and the hostages taken in the barbaric invasion of Israel on the 7th of October) . For every action there is a reaction. Life is like that and the reaction is often much louder and much harder to watch. Keep inside your borders people and leave other countries alone. We have established sovereign countries with the establishment of the United Nations in 1945 and after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990s (Russia had enslaved millions of people at the end of the Second World War and the downfall of the Soviet Union was a result of Russia attacking Afghanistan for no reason; Afghanistan was not the aggressor). Respect those boundaries people and the world can be a very pleasant place overall. Respect the countries that you are lucky to be living in; do not bring your hatreds with you if you are an immigrant. Keep those foreign flags off of our streets; Canada has lots of flags. You reap what you sow.

On to the day, solitaire games to play, read the email and then breakfast. And as it turned out moving leaves!

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