Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Cleaning accomplished yesterday moving on

I accomplished all my cleaning yesterday which was great. It pretty much takes me all day to do the two floors. But it means that it is always clean pretty much all the time. Not having children underfoot makes a big difference although it was fun having children for sure. Mine were exceptional but then probably everyone thinks that. Now as adults they are very very busy; both of them. I am glad that they are happy in their chosen careers. I certainly enjoyed watching then grow; I used to go to their athletic events - baseball, running and cheer them on (I tend to be very vocal and probably they would have liked me to be less  vocal but that is just me - you pretty well have to take what you get where I am concerned. I am very unlikely to change). 

So today back to the Siderfin book and I am into Thomas' line and I have some footnoting to look up but a lot of material is there from my cousin which is most helpful. It will speed up doing this particular block of the 11th generation and then on to the 12th generation. 

Hard to believe that it is the middle of the month now. I had thought to be finished the twelfth generation at this point but life has delayed me. I have my fingers crossed that all of this is going to come together as I have spoken with the old Ophthalmologist's office and asked that she would call the new Ophthalmologist's office and that  should speed up the referral and if he has any empty surgery spots in December perhaps he will slot me in (I only actually need the one operated on in this time interval). It would be nice to have the weaker one done in a timely fashion whilst I have help that doesn't cost the system anything but not a rush. It is standard protocol that you refer people that you can not take care of in their time interval so long as it fits into the hospital schedule and that should have been done six months ago apparently since I did inform at that time that I needed mid-December (15.5 is mid) right up until Christmas Eve day (I do not know physician's schedules or the hospital schedule anymore!). We will see; I live in hope. But I am not going to think about it for a bit. Just see how it all goes. I will be very annoyed if I have to go to a private clinic for sure. I believe in the public system. Since we do not have any private hospitals trying to mix private with public does not work; it weakens the system because we are paying private corporations with public money. For those who want private, build your own hospitals that are not funded with public money. No public money should ever go into private hospitals, if they become unsustainable then they should donate themselves to the government and they would become public. I see public medicine like public fire departments etc etc. They are all public services and make for a better more efficient country.

I see that Israel is arming itself with security groups. I think they are wise to be ready. Unfortunately they always seem to be being attacked by people or threatened constantly. Walls and an armed defense is always the best way probably in that area. Certainly Egypt has found that having a good defense works well for them too. They seem quite stable now and have been a lot of help in this crisis. 

I cannot agree that foreign flags should be paraded on our streets. We have plenty of flags in Canada. If you want to celebrate your prior allegiance or birth country than do it at home. In public we are Canadian and proud of it. All of our public spaces should be Canadian only - schools, streets, parks, etc. But a special party in a park with a permit fine have your flag but I do express some concern about people who come here become Canadian citizens but have mixed loyalties. All colonials with Canadian citizenship and everyone who is here that isn't First Nations is a colonial, have their first allegiance to Canada as far as I am concerned and I too have three grandparents and a father born and raised in England although my father was just nine when he came here with his parents - my British heritage is pretty close and fresh but I too am a proud Canadian. My husband was actually 7th/8th generation Canadian and definitely he was a proud Canadian. There will be less trouble in our world if we practice such behaviour and leave the hatreds behind.

On to the day, I would like to accomplish raking the leaves onto the garden and working on the 11th generation of the Siderfin family.

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