Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Just eight pages left in the 11th generation

My mind is slowly returning to the Siderfin Book and good accomplishment again yesterday along with the cleaning and leaf moving. At 78 my actual world has become small once again like when I was a small child perhaps. I always  heard those stories as a child; my not being able to find my way home when just a couple of houses away but our trusty dog had a method of bringing me home. He just pulled me along until I was back on my own property if I had wandered away apparently. Normie was a sweet wonderful dog I suspect but I have no memory of him. He was with me constantly night and day but the memory cells have not released that memory to me even yet. Sometimes I do have memories from long ago but they simply do not include Normie. I would love to remember him. When I talk to other dogs I wonder what Normie was really like often enough. Dogs are very responsive but I remember my grandfather's warning always that you can never actually trust any dog 100% because they too like humans become old and less in control. That is the thing with old age; although our minds are still very active they need more rest and they do not think as fast. My mind is still fairly quick. My memory intact mostly from the age of four years on with small glimpses of that three year old interacting with her siblings mostly my two older brothers. My older sister was like my mother in some ways; someone to obey. 

But just eight pages left in my cousin's recitation of her lines coming down from Thomas. I am actually into her close relatives now so will be speedier perhaps although it does take time anyways. Being a knit picker I do like to check all the references and probably that will not change. But I am looking forward to being into the 12th generation. 

I have a couple of projects that are not related to this activity. There is a meeting tomorrow looking at the New Hospital online (thirty minutes to describe the newest developments perhaps). A hospital for the future generations and it will be wonderful for Ottawa to have such a state of the art hospital. Then there is another project that involves a survey where I am a citizen stakeholder. It still involves health care but of a different sort (and earlier in my youth I  worked in the Hospital Laboratory doing routine testing). I must get into that survey as well today. I enjoyed my twelve years in health care before retirement with the first two being at the Medical School working for two different researchers. It was a lovely way to come back into the work force away from home. Proofreading and copy-editing had been quite interesting and left me free to be home most of the time although I still did have to go into the office most weeks for a couple of partial days (my baby then small child in tow) and then that last year I was in house full time. I did like research but my ability to carry a child successfully was dependent on careful care and rest on my part in the first five months and being on my feet was a problem. I do tend to push myself rather hard when I work. In total I had two miscarriages and two live births. Once I passed the five months of gestation I was able to lead a more normal existence in pregnancy though. It was heart wrenching to lose both of those children but they are with God I am sure. The gift of the two living was something wondrous to me and  I can feel the pain of Israel missing their children some of them orphans their parents murdered in front of them. 

Today the snow not as much as mentioned but the day is still young although freezing rain is mentioned. Car is in the garage so do not have to scrape the ice off. I am getting old to do some of those tasks for sure. The company that clears away the snow have their stakes already placed so no work to do as they also clear the porch and the patio at the front. 

Prayers for Israel and the Ukraine. Prayers for the ten children missing that Hamas apparently can not locate - how ignorant Hamas is. Children are the pearls of the earth; the hope of the future and there are no words that can express the disgust that one feels for people who steal children; murder children. Hamas is responsible for all of these deaths in the war on both sides; get out of Gaza and give the Palestinians the chance to form their own state. Hamas has done nothing for the Palestinians and their very existence in Gaza is a threat to the Palestinians as well as the Israelis. Ukrainian children are still missing stolen by Russia. Go home Russians.  God be with Israel and Ukraine.

Ian White's Psalms playing and I really must search out the Christmas Music although I do tend to wait for Advent to begin to play the songs. Jumping Jacks and tea and then solitaire games to play before breakfast.

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