Wednesday, November 8, 2023

One more child in the Rew family then on to Thomas

Today's Bible Reading Matthew 23:1-12 reminds us that there is only one God. We must always keep that uppermost in our minds as we live our daily lives. 

My mind continues to work overtime and I will welcome a return to normalcy in our world so that I can get my work done. Russia out of Ukraine; Hamas out of Gaza. If the Hamas leadership wants to now disavow any part in the barbaric attack on Israel then they prove their words by telling Hamas to stand down in Gaza. Put their arms in the air and keep them there, let the hostages go immediately, freely, without harassment or any danger to them. The Hamas leadership to ensure that all of these hostages are still alive and well and that they will be released at a place where it is safe to the Palestinian Red Crescent and when free of Hamas also IDS members to take charge of the hostages initially and check for explosive items that may have been forced on the hostages. All Hamas fighters will be present above ground and have their hands in the air at all times. They will have already stacked their weapons in a designated spot to be destroyed immediately by the IDS. The care of the hostages can then be transferred to the IDS and the counting and naming will then occur with the hostages identifying anyone left behind. The tunnels will then be flooded once the all clear is given for the hostages. All hostages must be present and if any of them has been fitted with explosives all Hamas soldiers will be shot. They can then gather at least 5 metres apart in designated area/areas. Hamas will continue to keep their hands above their head or they will be shot. What happens to them I have no idea but we do not need Satanists in this world. God forced Satan out and now we must do it from our world. No God-loving person wants Satan in their world. The war could end today Hamas leadership; the ball is in you court. Prove your words.

 Kept plugging away at my footnoting and just Louisa left to do in my line and then Charlotte's children/grandchildren. My ancestor Elizabeth and Charlotte were twins and my atDNA matches with descendants (our 2x great grandmothers) are incredibly good for fourth cousins but it is like sharing the same 2x great grandmother instead of the 3x great grandmother that we actually share. Interesting really. I think the study of DNA passage through families is going to be an interesting topic in the next generation of both medical researchers and historic researchers. In general though historians have not looked directly at families and that will continue I am sure but the DNA of populations especially during heavy migrant periods is going to be an interesting topic. I did toy with the idea of going back and doing a Masters/PhD in History for a bit about a decade ago when I first started to notice how exciting the topic is really going to be. But I will leave all of that for the youth of our world. They will soon find their footing and their interest as they approach early adulthood and it is exciting knowing that all that talent is out there. 

One of the Canadians remained behind yesterday in Gaza. He rather caught my interest as the leaders of Gaza tomorrow have to come from these young adults. They have to decide that to get along in this world and have an effective country you have to reach for the stars. You have to want peace and you need to be ready to enforce peace and eliminate the peoples from your country who are only interested in ancient hatreds. There is good in all the peoples of the world overall but one needs to find that good, cultivate it and make it grow. Freedom of one's daily life doesn't just happen; it has to be cultivated and grown like a fragile orchid but the beauty when it flowers is something to behold. I can understand his interest in that happening. God be with him. 

A research day once again and surprisingly I have a distant cousin coming today to look at some books on our mutual early London peoples. Not something I do very often for sure and it is probably a first in quite a long time perhaps I have not done that all of my married years. I tended to not invite people as Edward invited so many perhaps. He liked people around him to talk to. I am pretty much of a family person and prefer my home to be without strangers but occasionally even as a child I did have a friend in but on the other side of that coin very few mothers let their daughters come to my house which was full of boys all day long pretty much. My brothers loved to have their friends in (as did my sisters for that matter). Middle children I think are very different people but I have not known many middle children either. But I just assume that because I am a very middle child (three older, three younger). 

Today is meant to be sunny so perhaps a little raking after my cousin goes. I might try for three bags from the Black Walnut, definitely I do not want those leaves and stems (and nuts if the squirrels left any) rotting into the garden and grass - their toxin is quite poisonous to the plant life. The maple leaves I will put on the garden again to a good depth (perhaps 30 centimetres) and the rest I will gradually put out to the street. We are into the waiting time for snow and it is meant to snow tomorrow so do want to get the Black Walnut droppings off of the garden. 

On to the day but first solitaire. Then breakfast.

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