Sunday, November 19, 2023

Prelude to War

 We are not at war but I still think this times is a prelude to war as described to me by my mother when I was a child. She talked about the 30s as the world gradually moved towards war. In China the war had already begun with the attack in 1930 in Manchuria. By the mid 1930s they were in a fight for their very lives. The largest mass migration in history happened in China as they moved to the west to get away from the Nazis. They pulled up the rail lines as they moved west and took them with them so that they could not be reached in that way. They moved entire factories but the greatest visible happening was the movement of people, men, women and children west forever west to freedom to be able to arm themselves to take back their country. The Flying Tigers figured in all of this and they helped to defend them in the air against the Nazis as they moved ever west to safety and where they could rebuild and fight back. And fight back they did. 

But we are not there yet; the war is still small and can remain that way if everyone chooses peace and eliminates the war mongers; the Satanic Nazis. Hamas must be stopped in Gaza. Russia must be stopped in Ukraine. However one visualizes this cowardly Satanic group that attacked in Israel in order to preserve the world as we know it, we must support Israel in their fight to eliminate Hamas in Gaza. Where they exist after that doesn't interest me unless they cause trouble. But the Satanic Hamas that took babies and children, women and men as hostages; they must pay and pay dearly with their lives. To save those lives the cowards hide behind the Gazan people - babies, children, women and men. Children can not be the target in any country; they are the future life blood of a country.The UN itself knows that children should never be held hostage. The danger of that being permitted to happen and not kill all the perpetrators is great. Their satanic behaviour must be eliminated.

Which leads me to the medical care that exists in Canada at this moment in time. There is a remedy; at least I think so and I believe it is doable. Anything is doable in pre-wartime for sure. Simply redirecting the entire first year of Residency into a second year of Family Medicine will put enough people into the field to support the care of the population and take pressure off of our emergencies and the very hospitals themselves. This is a clinical year and they can be out in the trenches. Fresh young helpers infused into the existing clinics in the cities will certainly alleviate the waiting periods for a doctor's care. Lots of empty office space to expand clinics if necessary; our tax money in Ontario put to good use. The extra training can only benefit people returning to do their specialties after three to five years in the field as family medicine specialists and the constant infusion as a new set of first year residents moves into the second year of family medicine speciality and then does their three to five years of service. Keep it up until that huge set of baby boomers moves through the Medical System and then go back to the old way but such training can only be beneficial to future specialists in my humble opinion. The money in their pockets as they work for a short period as family medicine specialists will be welcomed as it will free them of student debt. Yes, it adds to the number of years before their specialty is completed in their preferred residency but they will enter their second residency without student debt. And the public will have doctors not pharmacists looking after them at the primary level. Pharmacists are not trained in medicine and should not be a primary care provider. Plus do people have to pay for that care up front. I do not like the sound of that particularly. Extending a prescription that is routine for $15 is not a big deal but I am concerned if people have to pay for what should be care guaranteed under the Canada Health Act which isn't even a physician.  

Then another crisis area is the military having to trim their budget and for what I would like to ask. I am not a liberal and do not believe in extended government funding. Yes people have to survive but there are plenty of jobs out there not filled. One can not always get a job that fits into what they think they should have; you just have to take a job that exists and use the accumulated experience and time to move into something else. I do not believe that the military should have to trim their budget by 1 billion. If the money is needed to help them care for Canada - its three oceans and huge land mass then so be it.

Yesterday good work on the Siderfin book and it will continue today as I  move ever forward in the eleventh generation. It is a matter of formatting and footnoting as I move along through the material. I am doing some new lookups as I have the material at my fingertips to do that. I do not spend long times doing that just a quick search to see what is there and longer if I find something. 

Perhaps some raking this afternoon but it is Sunday and I like to go to Church and then think about what I have learned. So we will see but the raking does need to be done and God does not want us to be lazy I am sure. 

 I shall read and sing the service once again as no live stream today. Strange really as I thought it was such a good addition to spreading God's word around the world but perhaps the attendance was not that high. I have found services online though that have been very interesting instead but generally do read and sing the service at the Anglican Church that I attend.

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