Sunday, November 12, 2023

Remembrance Day Sunday

Finally this service is online and again one of  my most favourite. From early childhood the Remembrance Day Service has been and it continues to be one of the most important services in our Calendar. Remembering our brave men and women who quickly volunteered to go and help win the war against Hitler in 1939 will never be forgotten. They left home, family, children to do what had to be done. It wasn't easy as Britain and the Commonwealth stood alone against the Nazi menace for over a year but they did it and with the overwhelming help of the Americans the war was over in 1945 and Nazism was dead. It does try to rear its ugly satanic head but essentially it gets grounded once again time and again. It is ugly; it tries to destroy people and generally it attacks the Jews, the Communists (Russia was attacked by Hitler and his Nazis and the plan was annihilation once again by working them to death if one reads Mein Kampf) and eventually came for the Christians (many Lutheran pastors died at the hands of Hitler) and anyone else that didn't do their bidding. Nazism = Satinism. Using people for a purpose other than what God intended is the mantra of these haters. Unfortunately Nazism can breed in any country and one must always be on the watch as Russia itself is now led by psychopathic Nazis as they try to slaughter the Ukrainians.

Thank you God for the love that you have spread all over the world. Too bad that all people do not see it and cherish it. 

 The Remembrance Day Service at the National War Memorial was absolutely perfect and a wondrous thankyou to the men and women who served and are serving in our Military. Thank you to them. When I was a child in London the base (Wolseley Barracks) was huge and the largest employer in the City although it is now an Historic Site. The Remembrance Day Parade to our Cenotaph was huge going on for blocks and blocks as all those soldiers marched in tribute to their comrades who had died in the Second World War and other wars. Also marching were the Scouts and Guides and I was part of that as a child. We were in those days much more militaristic but the roots are still there if ever needed and can be quickly revived. 

The day begins and much to do before Church. 

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