Wednesday, December 6, 2023

12th Generation completed

 It was great as I entered the details for the last person born before 1920 into the file. I was not  nearly as thorough I must admit with all the lines as my cousin was with  her Thomas line. But there you go anyone with the Thomas line will have more details. However everyone is pretty much brought up to the more efficient time of the Parish Registers at least but most are into census time. The final count was 803 individual members of the Siderfin family coming down from John Siderfin who lived in the early  1500s in Somerset, England. The number actually carrying the Siderfin name I will know later after I index. I did start the proofreading and indexing just to get a feel for it as it is a while since I used the indexing feature to any great extent. 

I will also work now on the autosomal DNA results comparing the five siblings (myself and four of my siblings) with our cousins. I will start with my closest cousins and they descend from my 2x great grandmother Elizabeth (Rew) Pincombe's twin sister Charlotte. With the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) being our mutual 3x great grandparents they should be matching as fourth cousins but actually are a third cousin match because of the twinning effect. All of my siblings are a much stronger match to Siderfin than I am. They all have approximately 3x as many matches as I do. Having so many results in one line does make looking at ancestral lines very interesting. 

Research week begins and I shall try to make the most of it. I will stick to about 50 pages of proofreading a day as I can spread that out over 10 hours giving me lots of time to both read and index. It will take about one and a half weeks to accomplish all of that along with the autosomal chapter. I will work in the appendices as I move along through the text. 

Next action is to prepare the Creative Commons License and then start to serialize and it will be before Christmas hopefully. I would like to get to the interesting parts of how and why I have laid out the lines in a slightly different fashion to James Sanders. He avoided committing to particular lines except for very well known lines. We will see how well my theories stand up to others thoughts and I do welcome them. But I think it is a positive step forward in the Siderfin Family of West Somerset to revise and update James Sanders book. 

Mostly my laneway is cleared by the snow removal company but I went out and cleared away the bit of fresh new snow that had fallen. The fresh air was good and I did wear my sunglasses as always. In my younger days I would have got the pick and broken up the ice at the end but I just left it there if the shovel didn't move it. It is going to melt anyway on the weekend!

I may bring my skis up from the basement and give it a go perhaps in the back yard just to get back into training those muscles. Otherwise my daughter will be  miles ahead of me! Fresh snow is always welcomed. 

A research day and I will begin with the autosomal results and work on that chapter for a while. I have a few thoughts and it will be a short chapter. The links back to the Thomas line though is 5th cousins and matches do occur but I need to ferret them out. Unfortunately I do not know their trees necessarily so cannot readily connect them but we will see what is there. It is a while since I looked at some of those matches and their trees may have deeper routes which I can connect in the new book. The value in publishing the book with all these lines is to help people find their way back as the book circulates. Such fun in my old age; it is very interesting. I have enjoyed the work in DNA from a genealogical standpoint and actually do have one paper published in a peer reviewed journal. I like to be on the quiet side though as it takes a lot of preparation on my part to prepare lectures and I need that time to write which I decided a decade ago now and have stuck to it pretty much with just two lectures since making that decision. There will not be any more. 

Another day in God's World and thank you to the Creator for that. Prayers for the people who struggle against threats and violence; against armies meant to destroy them and for the children who deserve to grow up in a world where they are not taught that violence is the only way. We must have peace and if the only way to have that is war then so be it; our ancestors fought the Second World War for that very reason. Freedom must reign and  no support for terrorists. One notes that Israel has condemned the settler violence in the West Bank. 

Is peace within our grasp; one does hope so. I agree with the King of Jordan that the Palestinians should be able to live in Gaza but they do need to put a lot of effort into getting along with their neighbours (Israel and Egypt). The Palestinians have to get past the generational violence (and immediately) that has been perpetrated against the Jewish people long before I was born and whilst I was a child reading and listening to the news. It has not stopped through this past century and it does need to stop. Even one Palestinian going into Israel and killing a child can not happen in a new world that can be created. But it is the Palestinians that have to prevent that; they have to ensure it does not happen and then there can be peace. Canada was invaded by the Fenians back in the 1800s and the Americans made the decision to halt any more of that and we have lived in peace ever since. The need to halt violence lies with the country in which the violence is produced and until that happens there can not be peace because Israel has the right to defend itself. Are you listening Iran? You still have not paid for the plane that you shot down with Canadians on it.


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