Tuesday, December 12, 2023

And all that got done was the cleaning

 Writing this as I have finished my cleaning except for the floors that I need to wash but waiting for the Standing Chair to be picked up by Spinal Injury Ontario. They were going to come last night but delayed it until tonight. I will be glad to see the chair being used as it has basically sat here occupying space (it is a very large chair actually as it has a power lifter (electrical) and if I sit in it I can not touch the floor). But it was the chair Edward sat in those last couple of weeks before he was hospitalized for three weeks. He could stand up easily himself which he liked and it also was a lounge chair so very comfortable for him. But it is a huge chair for sure and it should really be helping someone else so when Spinal Injury sent an email looking for donations I decided to donate the Chair. 

Going to watch the UN Assembly; watched a little earlier but they were not yet ready to vote. It is such a difficult thing and I have become biased because of the reaction here with Palestinians parading up and down the streets cheering Hamas the day it happened and their flag will forever remind me of those 1200 young Israeli and other people mostly murdered in crude, satanic and barbaric ways. Needless to say I continue to find all of that very suspicious and indicative of their guilt in this attack by Hamas. I do tend to support Israel but was always hopeful that there could be a two state solution. Israel has been much more generous not placing any blame on Palestinians but only blaming Hamas. But when I was young it was Palestinians murdering Israeli children and of course recruits to Hamas are likely coming from the Palestinian population. The resolution has passed sadly as it did not contain enough details to really explain why such a resolution was brought forward. Does it make Israel any safer after all they were attacked? No it does not and it gives time, if enacted, for Hamas to regroup, possibly even rearm which is rather frightening and the deaths will soar because they use the Palestinians as shields by placing themselves into neighbourhoods to have the greatest number of casualties. Hostages have died and Hamas broke the last truce and they are the cause of those deaths. Women and children were to be exchanged first but they refused. They also started bombing Israel before the truce officially ended. That being said I am a great supporter of the United Nations as it gives a place for discussion but peace and freedom has not been well served today. My own country has voted in favour which, given the attitude of Palestinians here, does not make sense actually. We should have at least abstained. Many countries had the courage to vote no. The Palestinians here cheered Hamas attacking Israel which is really unforgivable. I am disappointed in this vote. Abstaining would have been acceptable.

I was actually not in favour of our going into Iraq way back when that happened. We did not actually and it was the Liberals at that time who stood their ground as we normally would have supported the United States. But this time definitely I am on the side of Israel; granted there does need to be fewer deaths of civilians but Hamas is the problem and the Palestinians need to simply follow the advice and leave and not let Hamas influence them whether by direct threat or coercion. I am sure it is quite ghastly having never been in a war zone but where Hamas is no one is safe. There was also nothing about the hostages being freed; these people are protected by the Geneva Convention and at least the resolution could have been firm that they be released without conditions. That was not political; that was women and children, injured people, seventeen more have died/been killed by Hamas.

One says in response to Iran saying that Hamas can not be eliminated and I would agree since Iran funds them and is one of those sick Satanic countries that shoots down airplanes with men, women and children on it. A Canadian plane, for which they have never paid, was shot down in Iran by their military. But Hamas in the Gaza Strip can be defanged, their equipment and resources destroyed and if there are enough Palestinians who actually believe in a Palestinian State then that can happen. It will not be easy for sure but worth it; ask any country that now exists whether all that hard work at the beginning was worth it and they will say yes. 

It was good to hear people on the panel at 6:00 pm agreeing that we should have abstained. Sometimes I do wonder if I am a bit too determined but this doesn't feel right; it is wishy-washy of us to take this stand. Hamas has killed more of the hostages; that is just sick. At least, do not permit any more Palestinians to come to Canada until we get this sorted. There should be a ban until there is an understanding that hate laws were broken that day they marched cheering Hamas right after the 7th October. There need to be charges and then maybe we can think about applications.

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