Wednesday, December 13, 2023

And so here we are

 I do feel we betrayed nearly 400,000 of our Jewish citizens by not at least abstaining to the vote in the General Assembly of the United Nations regarding an humanitarian ceasefire without absolute insistence that all hostages be released immediately (It was after all Hamas that broke the last cease fire attacking Israel with bombs.). If Hamas regroups and rearms it will mean more deaths likely rather than less. The hostages are not free today and more have died. So what was gained. Military losses will start to increase now that close quartering fighting is in play so I do not see any value in this vote at all. Food is coming into the Gaza strip.

Returning to the Siderfin Book today and the tenth generation. It will take longer to do these last three generations although using the "Mark all" tab should help. I needed to personalize entries in the earlier generations by adding text but that becomes less necessary in this generation for indexing purposes. 

I will proof right through to the end and prepare the two indexes and then read the entire copy for  a second time as well as sending a copy to my cousin who donated the Thomas material. 

Then the creative commons license and serializing the book onto my blog. 


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