Thursday, December 14, 2023

Into the Eleventh Generation

And I am working on the eleventh generation about ten pages in actual yesterday. A migraine though will slow me down just a little. They are just my gift to tell me that I am overdoing something! A clue to tell me to slow down and smell the roses so will do that for a couple of days. But the end is definitely in sight. Being able to use the Mark All feature is saving me time as well as I hurry towards the end of the generations.  

Sometimes I get too political in my mind and need to step back a bit; still have my views but will give it a couple of days of rest.I would always follow up a set of examinations at school with a major migraine just to give me that rest period I guess. 

I have been watching a new Series on Netflix - World War II in the Frontlines. Although I have watched a lot of this type of series (I like to see good win actually) I found a few highlights in this series most interesting. For instance when the Allies were trying to get the Nazis to surrender they firebombed Hamburg. Leaflets were dropped ahead of time warning the civilian population that they should leave Hamburg but the comment was " Just propaganda." 44,000 people were killed in one night and the next night they bombed again and 40,000 were killed. I had forgotten or never knew that 84,000 people died in two nights but it did not deter Hitler. He continued to force the people to fight. Maniacs/Satanic people are like that; they never know when to stop. Giving them an edge is always a mistake. Hamas needs to get out of Gaza. They bring nothing but horror down on the Palestinian people. 

Watching the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia as he introduced the Statement from COP28 was a rewarding experience. He was thrilled to be presenting this agreed upon document to the world from a very successful conference. It is so good to see people being so responsible in our world.

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