Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Meaningful Editorials today on what happened on October 7 and the history from the early part of the 20th century and earlier

 There are a number of editorials today from NBC News, Toronto Sun and others on the history of the Israeli-Hamas conflict that really do paint the true picture of life in the Middle East particularly for the Jewish people (and here it would appear). Although I am not a supporter of marches and congregating on Parliament Hill, the Jewish people do have a story to tell and it is not an easy one to hear for sure. The only real difference between then (when I was a child and Palestinians were killing Jewish children and earlier as mentioned in the Editorials) and now is the ability of Israel to defend itself with the resultant hue and cry mostly by people who do not know the history lead by Hamas-Palestinians who hate the Jewish people and have been trying to annihilate them for decades. Hamas dropped leaflets telling people to move away from the city they planned to bomb just a couple of weeks ago and the Israelis complied; that is the style of this war - you warn and you bomb. Hamas set the pace; blame them. Not nice for sure but Hamas is there because people have let them be there. How many people in Gaza knew this attack was going to happen? They did nothing to stop it and left to Israel to protect themselves unfortunately after the gate was left open type of thing. For all we know somebody who worked for and was paid by the Israelis, gave an exact blueprint of the Israeli homes and could easily have left a gate open so to speak for Hamas fighters to come in and kill, rape, burn, dismember etc etc the Jewish people - babies, children, teenagers, young adult women, young adult men, women and men, old women and old men (in such indecent ways no one really wants to put it on paper it is so indecent and horrific but it will be written down and so it should to support the Jewish people as they deserve to be supported). 

Hamas took  hostages and when the ceasefire was brokered Hamas agreed to let the International Red Cross come in and visit with the hostages, check for their health and mental signs. That never happened. From day 1 they broke the ceasefire and then continued to try and break it again and again. As usual, Hamas is responsible for every Palestinian death that has occurred from the beginning of this war along with all the Jewish murders (and the non-Jewish, at least one Bedouin son was murdered and they want blood and money) that they caused on the 7th of October. Now they want their soldiers released for the hostages; they are running low and need them (or maybe they are their sons and they are trying to rescue them!); more fodder for Israeli guns for sure. Do not be supporting of the Palestinians, Canadians, Hamas is satanic and all those people fighting as Hamas are satanic and if the polls are true (I actually do not believe polls) nearly 50% of the Palestinians in Gaza are in favour of October 7 and continue to support Hamas. Why would we bring more of them into Canada is my question? Why do they come here when all they want to do is fly their flag in protest marches supporting Hamas and put it in public areas like schools? This is a free country but it is Canada and we have lots of flags both recent and ancient, the First Peoples have lots of flags that are ancient to Canada (was and is for some Turtle Island). We already have enough Palestinians here supporting the satanic Hamas; we do not need anymore. Ask Egypt or other countries to take in your relatives. As the secretary at the Eye Clinic said to me "don't you have any friends to help you?". Lets face it there are some situations where burdening friends is really beyond the pale, I realize that. Tell your Palestinian relatives to kill Hamas and that will solve their problems. No one actually wants to kill Palestinians except Hamas it would appear.

My daughter did actually look into changing her ticket to an earlier arrival but she does work hard; managing research, administrative work, committee work and teaching in a University is a lot of work and a very busy time; not an eight hour day for sure. I told her not to bother she has her marking and working with students to do and come as planned for Christmas. She will have  a holiday instead of looking after me; she deserves it. I had already told the secretary a month ago now that the 7th and 14th would not work and I had said last June after the middle of December would work very well right up to Christmas to the doctor and her, I think that was pretty clear. If you can not do it, refer me and not put this 78 year old woman through such a waste of money; I am first and foremost a tax payer and want good value for the taxes that we pay; all of us. Likely there are surgeons who work after the 15th up to Christmas and I could have had one of them but a little late now, it was late a month ago probably but I was hopeful. Last June it would have worked as the waiting period was three to six months, Amazing!

Maybe now I can get this out of my brain and work on the book which I am doing actually as the robot vacuums the rug.

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